Michelin Desert Tyres
Take note that I have a client that is recovering from a bad crash in South Africa.
He was traveling on a beatifull straight piece of tarmac road when the bike went into a sudden speedwobble that lead to his crash.
The Tyres fitted was Michelin Deserts, loaded for Africa, two panniers, soft bag extra set of tyres etc. Suspention setting was qiute firm to compensate for the load.
I am recieving from variouse sources information that these tyres are not to stable when used on tarmac.
The rider suffered a partialy colapsed lung caused by broken ribs. This could have been fatal.
Watch the tyres you fit and note that offroad tyres are very dangerous when used on tarmac where they offer very little grip.
It is a problem as most manufacturers do not make this clear enough.