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Old 9 Jan 2008
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Question Motorcycle Cancer?

Motorcycle Cancer

Reading this makes you think, but also makes you ask maybe it's all a bit too overemphasized?

Any cancer specialists here?

Or we well see times when the most of motorcycle makers will have seats already electromagnetically shielded on coming out of factory...
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Old 9 Jan 2008
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I can't seem to find his references/facts & figures.

It all seems a bit vague.

The UK has issued a patent. He seems to think that the UK has recognised that it's a problem. Since when did the patents bureau become a H&S Executive?
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Old 9 Jan 2008
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I'd be more intersted in seeing the demographics of the riding population used in this analysis to see what the occurence of unhealthy lifestyles were: diet, smoking, stress at work etc.

Also the occurence of DIY mechanics in this population, exposing the motorcyclist to sources of benzene derivatives in the petroleum based products frequently used (use gloves, people!!).

I'm no physicist, but apart from the generator, which on most bikes in inside the engine, and the ignition coils, I can't see what would emit this and how it would be drastically worse than in a car/truck where the outputs are much higher...

I'm open to the possibility, but would like actual independent tests to prove it. I'm sure if you can prove that the seat blocks these emissions you can get a patent for the technology, but this does not mean that the waves being blocked actually exist, nor that they are at hazardous levels (as pointed out above).
Adventure: it's an experience, not a style!
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Old 9 Jan 2008
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Hello All!!

Please do not take my thread as a referance. I am a physicist and did my PhD in the UK. Now I am doing post-doc in the same field.

I have read all the news release about the Motorcycle cancer and i think that it is a bit exaggerated.

If we are talking about cancer which is caused by EMF then we have to stop using mobilephone, wi-fi's, microwave oven, electrical hubs, cars, etc..

A current passing through a wire causes EMF and everything that you see around you is a threat for you.

There was no data or numbers on the news release, however, in my point of view cars, coaches, truck, mobilephones, wi-fi's, catot tubes monitors and TV's, laptop's are much more dangereous then the motorcycle. A rictifier, 12V battary, headlight, etc is not a serious threat for the human life (even the heated grips)

You have to use Faraday cage or controversial forces for cancel the EMF and both is hard to do for motorbikes.

And also Warthog indicated there are much more dangers for motorcyclist.

Keep on riding, we all die
ozhan u.
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Old 9 Jan 2008
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Give it large doses of B17

Originally Posted by Margus View Post
Motorcycle Cancer

Reading this makes you think, but also makes you ask maybe it's all a bit too overemphasized?

Any cancer specialists here?

Or we well see times when the most of motorcycle makers will have seats already electromagnetically shielded on coming out of factory...
take large doses of Vitamin B17 and you wont GET Cancer..... FACT!

Last edited by Martynbiker; 9 Jan 2008 at 16:34.
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Old 9 Jan 2008
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It's an interesting article and probably does have some solid scientific foundations but I would be very interested to know what would be considered a harmful dosage. As Ozhanu suggests you encounter a lot of electromagnetic radiation in a normal day - it doesn't do you much good but like everything else there is a balance to be struck.

I look forward to learning more before being convinced. I feel more concerned about my mobile phone and other wireless technology but it's just too damned useful!

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Old 9 Jan 2008
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1) Cancer speciallists know little to nothing about EMF.

2) EMF speciallists know little to nothing about cancer.

They are two very different fields. Look at smoking - the relationship to cancer was revealed by statics after decades.. yet people still smoke.

ELF (even static) magnetic shielding is done using lead .. thick lead as a faraday shield. A single sheet (like a motorcycle seat pan) is not going to do a lot of good. Speciallist metal product are avalible .. but very expensive ... I think the reduction in possible cancer development is not worth the costs ... nor do I think the relationship is proven. Similar to mobile phones.

Residing near (or even travelling near) large power lines would hve much higher fields than your motorcycle.

Ride your bike. Drink some , enjoy good food - be happy.

---- Matt - What is a 'harmfull dosage" of ? ... Too many varioble to state acurately - body weight, present contents of stomach, past habits ... temperature .. contents of the ... and at what point is the harm done?
Regards Frank Warner
motorcycles BMW R80 G/S 1981, BMW K11LT 1993, BMW K75 G/S
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Old 10 Jan 2008
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Hey Frank,

That safe dosage idea is just a parallel to radiation dosages - I started off as a chemist with an interest in radionuclides. All studies with were carried out away from the lab. Ten seemed to be the recommended limit but I don't recall the units. That was always the problem....

Hope the weather is good there in Sydney. I'm making my way to Oz on a work trip and will be there next weekend.

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Old 10 Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by mattpope View Post
I don't recall the units.
The radiation limits for EMF were worked out using the temperature rise up a rats bum .... What was the question?

Originally Posted by mattpope View Post
Hope the weather is good there in Sydney.
Good ? at the mo around 30C max ... could do with more real rain. Dams at 60% full and need to get over 75% before we go off water restictions .. that could take a while of very heavy rain.
Regards Frank Warner
motorcycles BMW R80 G/S 1981, BMW K11LT 1993, BMW K75 G/S
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Old 19 Jan 2008
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Lead underwear

I'm sure glad my "Lead underwear" only causes jock itch.
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Old 11 Feb 2008
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Life is a terminal disease...
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Old 11 Feb 2008
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Piece of Aluminium Foil under the seat should work
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Old 14 Feb 2008
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Talking Motorcycle cancer

I am not a beleiver about motrocycle cancer but now if you want to be medical lets talk about motorcycle addiction. The symptome can be very persistant especialy in winter when the weather for some of us can stop them to ride or when the bike is down at the mecanich, its often follow with fever every year at the same time when the new models arrive ,sometime extrem case paranoya or obsession can make your life difficult.I myself suffer of leg problem and needed to use the bike even for short distance ,I even have lost of memory and forgot that when I ride with a passenger I needed to stop even if I had gas in my tank??. I notice also some earing problem discovering sounds that my bike was making and should not . After consulting with others my conclusion was that it is also contagious so be aware if you talk moto or travel or worst travelling on a bike you may heading toward Hubbiction.
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Old 14 Feb 2008
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Dont forget about a disease called MMAA (motorcycle modification & accessory addiction). I have been officially informed that I am suffering from it too.

It is rare in the general public but seems to have a high prevalence in motorcycle riders and even higher in adventure sport/touring riders. It is believed that it is due to excessive vibration affecting the adrenal gland caused but long hours in the saddle. The pathology is also thought to be exacerbated by the inherent stimulation of the adrenal gland due to the perceived thrill of riding, which is why it is believed that most motorcyclist are effected in some manner. The symptoms also are upregulated in proportion to the number of hours spent riding compared to the number of hours thinking about riding.

The symptoms usually manifest themselves, as “constantly tinkering”, and pervasive buying of new “bits” for their bike. The instillation of said “bit” can range from immediately upon receiving the good to a stock pilling behaviour. The stock piled “bits” are then all installed at once or never get used at all. There also seems to be a correlation with self perception of “skill with tools”, the higher the self perception the higher the MMAA symptoms appear, however this self perception of ability does not have to be accurate in anyway, although it does affect the speed and accuracy of installing the "bits". The person suffering from the condition always believes that he/she has a finite list of “modifications” to make their bike "perfect", but sufferers always seem to find “just one more” or “almost there” as an excuse. They are often lead into impetuous or impulsive buying when they find a sale or see an other bike with a modification that they had not though of. While in general this disease is not life threatening or even destructive (unless the self perceived tool ability is completely delusional) it does seem to have a fiscal impact, and has been known to bore partners of sufferers to great extremes. It has a number of secondary impact such as; the stock pilling sufferers losing entire rooms to accessory stock piles; family disturbances when the sufferers use house hold items such as dishwashers to wash mechanical parts; and addiction to websites where members discuss what the latest “bit” is and encourage and enable these behaviours. Some members of these sites report spending hours of their time at work “surfing” these sites, and worry about losing their jobs because of it, yet are unable to stop. Some members have posted over 5000 messages in a little over a year.

Please support your local MMAA-A Chapter... they get great discounts at the local bike shop!
2000 Africa Twin
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Old 14 Feb 2008
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I showed the press release to my brother in law who is a consultant oncologist. He's still laughing. He said that his father's area of medicine (psychiatry) might be more appropriate.
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