Porto Velho - Manaus
Hi, I took the boat from Porto Velho to Manaus this week, arriving yesterday evening, three full days. For both berths in a cabin plus the bike I paid 450 Reales at 3.65 to the UK pound. A cabin is the best way to keep your kit safe. Loading and unloading the bike was a further 40 Reales. Mine is a light bike, a Honda 125. I guess a bigger bike would cost more.
Cabins get booked up. Anyone with any difficulties in the Porto Velho area should call or email John Mantonya. John is from the US but has lived much of his life in Porto Velho. He will reserve you a cabin, help negotiate rates, find a good mechanic or some place for a biker to work on his own bike. Contact him by phone at 9258 0562 or 9204 4386 or email him at amazonmanegip@msn.com
There is more on my trip north from Tierra del Fuego on the BLOG at my web site: home