safety in Bosnia Erzegovina
A week ago a friend riding a brand new BMW F 650 was attacked by robbers on the road Foca - Sarajevo, approximately 30 km south-east of Sarajevo. They blocked the road with their car while they were approaching from the oppposite direction. After my friend almost falled down trying to stop the bike, 4 of them jumped out of the car and tried to surround him. Luckily he was smart and fast enough to escape from them, thanks to an emergency manoeuvre.
We were riding in three bikes and he went away from us because he was in a hurry. So when he was attacked he was alone.
In the past, we heard some story about the risk of being carjacked in the remote part of the country, but they were mainly rumors, with no factual basis. So we basically ignored them. This time unfortunately it is true.
I'm sorry to report this notice since I'm being living quite safely and well in this country for some year now and I still think it is a wonderful country to explore with a motorcycle.
I don't plan to give it up but, of course, I'll be more careful in the future. Neither I intend to discourage anybody of travelling across Bosnia Erzegovina, but just want to advice potential travellers that it is probably wiser to ride at least in 2 or 3 bikes in the most remote areas of teh country and only in the daylight.