Stuck in Siberia! Urgent request about Russian Custom procedures !

Hello anybody from the HU Community !
We are 2 German bikers travelling from Germany to the US via Vladivostock.
Right now we since one week got stuck in Kemerobo / Sibiria with a broken rearshock on one of our bikes. Basic help is given to us by totally great local russian bikers.
Yet the Problem was neither to be solved by local repair nor by quite unsatisfying BMW-service.
Our problem pretty soon might be, that the new parts we ordered from our local German dealers and which are express shiped by DHL to a local businessadress here in Kemerobo could undergo Russian customs procedures ways from our influence in Moscow.
We are only likely to find out today what the story about the shippping then will be.
In case things DO get stuck with the russian customs in Moscow, does anyone of you know how to handle the custom procedures or maybe knows a preferably English, german, spanish or french speaking contactperson to call and maybe help us out, as we have heard and read continously, that this seems to be a really difficult thing including unknown amounts of russian forms to fill in !!!
Any information about the issue is urgently and highly welcome and appreciated !
Thank you all for your support in advance and maybe someone could copy this into a moer adaequate Forum if suitable, as we would not detect a proper emergency-part of the forum going through the sitesearchengine.
Problems only exist to be solved - we get back riding

Hombre and Baba