Face down, I can see a large bit of gravel.
Its in front of my eye and I'm concentrating on it. Then I hear a scream, more of a wail. Like a pig or a cut getting stabbed and having the knife slowly turned while in its belly. My chest hurts...
So it all started a few days before. I decided to leave Nairobi and headed for Cape Town. Leaving the very cool people at Jungle Junction I was pretty excited about the route ahead. I enjoyed meeting some great people who I want to see again. Hope you guys are all well!
I got to Tanzania and made quick time through the place. It was cloudy so I could not see anything. But I did a fantastic route past the capital (Dodoma) through the mountains. All offroad and very muddy. So I kept going through Tanzania and hit the Zambian border in a few days. Crossing into Zambia was easy and soon I was on a fantastic road down to Lusaka. Then I met Jonathan.
I was doing 100kms when he decided to pull out in front of me on a bicycle. I hit him broadside. My pannier liquidised his femur and the bike flipped over, causing me to face plant the tar (at 100km per hour). I rolled up the road, wearing holes in my boots, jacket, trousers and smashing my helmet. The visor disintigrated. As I cartwheeled up the road, I saw the bike going head over heels, bits flying off as it ended up about 50m away in the bush.
I woke up face down. I got to my feet and ran over to the kid in the road and started screaming at him. Swearing at him. I wanted to kill him, I was going to start beating him with the remains of the helmet. Then people started arriving, appearing out of the bush carrying machetes and things. Sh!t. Street justice?
I saw people picking my stuff up and piling it up next to the remains of the bike. My bike. F%ck. Apparantly my anger saved me (according to the police and embassy staff) as I was not bothered on the road. I flagged down a truck while the screaming boy was dragged off the road, his leg trailing him. I got to a roadblock and got out of the truck. I then noticed I was bleeding, a lot. My motocross boots had been damaged and one of my toes (left,baby) had been pretty much ripped off. And I was bleeding from a few other wounds as well. I got the police to get the kid and send a truck for me and the bike.
An hour later, I was in the back of the pickup with the remains of the bike pulling into Nekonde hospital. The doctors had got the wrong end of the stick so thought I was at fault. As such, they were less than helpful. After another hour they looked at me. (The police had dumped me there and taken all my things to the station). I was in agony and could not walk, stand, sit, anything. The operating table was a door on a pile of spare tyres. They stiched my toe back on my foot. This hurt, a lot. Next time, I hope they use anesthetic. They just shoved the needle through my flesh and stiched away. It took 3 to hold me down and another to do the stitching.
As I was recovering from this care, a nurse (Mrs Ludako - a saint) came up and hugged me, telling me it would be ok. I cracked and broke down as the stress hit me. Pathetic really.
I'd managed to get in touch with my girlfriend and parents. They at least knew about the accident and the Irish Embassy were notified. Operation Rescue Ian was kicked off.
I spent the night at the hospital. No power, in agony and scared for my life in case of any "justice" about the boy. Even though I was not at fault. Then everything started to swing my way. The local MP heard about me. I was visited and checked over. The police came back to confirm that I was not at fault and that my belongings were ok. The Irish Embassy sent 2 guys (Fackson/Joshua) to drive for 10hours to pick me up. It was amazing and humbling.
And here I am in Lusaka, at the embassy. I fly tomorrow and am busy sorting my stuff out. I have just been offered free passage for the bike by a freight company.
I am in so much agony. I ache and cant move. My toes is not looking good but then I came off at 100kms. I'm lucky to be alive. And the boy too. Thats all that matters
So thats my news. thought I'd share it. There's more but thats enough detail for now. Can't type more as arms hurt too much. I'm still seeing the accident whenever I close my eyes and am petrified of the road at the moment. But it'll pass.
So take care out there people. Life can change in a moment. Merry Christmas and God bless.