Yes, there will be bad moments. However you will also have glorious times which will far out way any bad. I recently completed a ride on a Honda 125 from Veracruz, Mexico, down to Tierra del Fuego, then north to New York. I was nervous at the outset having read of and been told of so many bad experiences with cops and border crossings. I was never bothered at any border nor ever asked for my papers while riding. I ride slowly (as befits an elderly gentleman of 75), I smile at people and take pains to be courteous with officials. In return, they help me. Safety of your possessions is easier on a small bike. I was invited invariably to park my Honda overnight in hotel lobbies.
A waterproof pouch down your front is essential for passport and credit/debit cards. Preferably have a second card in your boot. ATMs are in most towns - no need to carry much money. You might find something useful on my BLOG at home Meanwhile have fun and be sensible. There are places in every country that are best avoided! Message me if I can be of help. Simon