Vladimir Yarets PayPal account
I'm from the ADVRider forum, and wanted to make sure everyone here was aware of the PayPal account set up for Vladimir Yarets.
You can access the account by going to the Caring Bridge web site :
and following the link there, or by going directly to http://www.paypal.com and following the directions for making a payment. The payment address is vladimiryaretsfund@togsoftware.com
If you have not done so already please log on and make a donation. Just $10 from all the regulars in the LDR forum would mean more than $1000 for Vladimir.
You can follow the ADVRider thread at:
and there are several links from the Caring Bridge site listed above. This is a chance for everyone in the LDR commiunity to rally together and support one of their own in need. PLease take a minute and donate, every little bit helps!
Thank you!!