all answers to my question below where found by looking at the faq at this site and by purchasing "the adventure motor biking handbook" by chris scott. Moral of the story is have a good look at this great site and faq before making a posting........sorry grant.

couple of questions , if I may ?
Having read with interest, sections from your travels on your web, I notice more often and not that payment is required to cross borders.
Did you keep a record in your journal of documents and payment each country requires to enter ?
Is it standad practice to have to pay for each border crossing?
carnets - what's this?
In preparation, did you contact the relevant embassies to enquire / obtain visas in advance of travel; or did you just set off and expect entry to each country you visited?
where you always allowed into each country you wished to visit?
What is the standard documentation required for a trip of this nature? visa , passport, registration documents, driving licence.??
what where the cheapest and most exspensive places you visited? did you make a documented comparison?
how much would a boat trip cost from south america to africa (with bike) aprox please.
Very sorry about all the questions, as i live in europe with open borders all the above is completly new.
Could you recomend a book of refrence that deals with the above and more
thank you for your time - simon
samon - world trip by mc may 2002
[This message has been edited by samon (edited 17 July 2000).]