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Old 4 Jan 2014
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Alone or Duo??

Im am very new to the Adv Moto lifestyle. I havn't made any long trips yet. Would it be better with someone or by myself? And where would you start to find someone that would be into this as much as i am? Its scarce in my neck of woods. Asking someone to give it all away to fancy a ride round the world is a tricky question. Am I alone? Or do I find a Partner in Crime? Also when i say Duo or partner I mean another Rider with another bike, not on the same bike. Thanks.

Last edited by MattyRider; 4 Jan 2014 at 05:14.
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Old 4 Jan 2014
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Only you can answer this. We all need time alone and with others. We all differ in what level of support we want from another traveller and how annoying we will find them when they are not doing anything fun or useful. Some people travel better alone, view stuff that's harder on your own as a challenge and can get all the company they need via Skype the web or talking to strangers. Others need the back up and don't mind the enclosing influence of a fixed group.

I have done group tours which I hated. I have done weeks of riding with a really good mate and my wife and we all still view them as good trips. I have done solo trips meeting people along the way which have been both good and bad. I think the key is openness and the ability to adapt. My wife knows we would both hate Norway in winter, her cold and me worried she is hating it. Alone I love it. October fest on the other hand is much better with a few mates along.

You should get into the scene where you are, try one of the HU meets. Try a solo trip see if you like it. Much as I detest them you could also sign up for an organised tour.

A club that tolerates me as a member has a tradition of humorous rants. My take on the organised tour is here http://www.thumperclub.com/smf/index.php?topic=7006.0 but please don't let this put you off, one guys wait in a carpark wasting the day is another's relaxed chance for a lazy breakfast.

The trick with companions is to either know you will always get on or get over it, or know you can go your own ways. Problems happen when aims differ but the "team" cannot go their own way due to shared kit or fixed plans.

Edit to add (almost forgot my manners there): Welcome to HUBB .

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Old 4 Jan 2014
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Another thing you could do might be finding someone who is traveling roughly the same route at the same time. That gives both an opportunity to ride together as long as you like, without giving up your freedom of making solo choices on the go. As long as both partners plan it as a solo trip and just are open to enjoy the company, it's a win-win situation.
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Old 5 Jan 2014
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Thanks, I had no idea that so many hear the call to explore. It's truly amazing. Im not much for the internet, but I'm loving this site.
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Old 5 Jan 2014
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With my tongue only half in my cheek I'd say your choice of travelling companion is more important than your choice of bike. Little idiosyncrasies or differences that you (or they) can put up with for an evening in a bar can end up as trip breakers when you're together for weeks on the road. Finding someone of sufficient like mind that conflict doesn't rear up at some point is very rare in my experience. After over 40yrs of bike touring / overlanding etc I only know one person I'd do a trip of over a week with without worrying - and it isn't my wife.

Talking of wives / partners etc, unless they really are of like mind, forcing them to go on a long bike trip is a quick way to the divorce courts (in my opinion (and experience)).

At least with solo trips you don't have to worry that they'll ride off into the distance or stomp off into the night but the up side of sharing the good bits is missing also and sometimes I've felt the trip was hardly worth doing when you can't share it with anyone afterwards. No one to share the problems with can raise your stress levels out of the pleasure zone quite quickly, although much of this does depend on how self reliant you are as a personality. Ted Simon's belief that the breakdowns make the trip may or may not be something that you agree with - although looking back at my touring life it's been the times when things have gone wrong I remember more than the smooth running days. Some of the memories are even good ones!

I'm not familiar with your neck of the US but any bike camping weekends or rallies that you could ride a few hundred miles to might kick things off and you'd meet like minded people. Here in the UK and throughout Europe there are probably hundreds of events like that throughout the year.
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Old 21 Aug 2015
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Hi backofbeyond. I'm interested in your user name because where I come from it has a very interesting origin and I'm guessing you are aware of it. If not ask away and I'll tell you what I know about it.
BTW, agree with all you say in your post.
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Old 21 Aug 2015
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Solo or not?

My first ride, Singapore - London in 1973 was with a mate. I knew him well beforehand but had never ridden with him. I'm glad we travelled together as we encountered some serious situations (sickness, accidents, run ins with authorities, a coup, a political crisis and I stolen motorbike among others)

In 1986 I travelled in India for a couple of weeks with a mate - two-up on a 500 BSA single. Bad move. He was not a motorcyclist and turned out to be a bit of a liability. I should have cancelled the trip as he had promised to get his licence before we left, but didn't. It was only my loyalty that allowed the trip to go ahead. I reasoned it was only a couple of weeks so it wasn't long however he was a nervous pillion which is not a good thing anywhere, especially India.

For the last eight years I've travelled alone in Indonesia, except for one day trip. I love it and wouldn't travel any other way although just recently I met a pretty spunky Indonesian lady aboard a Yamaha Bison. She ticked all the boxes as she'd clocked up some serious ks around Indo.

If you'd like to check out some of my trips go here: Relaxamatic - - WorldNomads.com I've been published in a few mags so you won't be wasting your time if you're looking for a decent read.

Last edited by kotamarudu; 21 Aug 2015 at 08:44. Reason: grammar
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Old 21 Aug 2015
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Originally Posted by kotamarudu View Post
Hi backofbeyond. I'm interested in your user name because where I come from it has a very interesting origin and I'm guessing you are aware of it. If not ask away and I'll tell you what I know about it.
BTW, agree with all you say in your post.
I've pm'd you about the topic but if you think it's suitable for a wider audience then post it up here.

Mentioning your 1973 trip brings to mind my experience that year, how it can go wrong and how your life can change as a result. We were two couples with serious relationships on two bikes going UK to Greece over a month or so. It was a trip that had been six months in the planning and we'd overcome some serious objections from my girlfriend's family. They'd only eventually agreed because they'd met the other girl going and thought she was sensible (!).

We lasted as a foursome as far as Frankfurt (one day's ride) when the "sensible girl" decided she'd had enough and flew back, never to be seen again. My girlfriend "survived" the trip but we split up shortly afterwards - partly due to my two wheel lifestyle. The fallout from that trip has rumbled down the years and there's even a loose connection to what I'll be doing this weekend. A few years ago I wrote the whole story down as a book just to try and get the jumble out of my head but the result isn't something I'd want anyone short of a mental health professional to read.

On the other hand I still travel with the rider of the other bike and in a couple of weeks time we'll be starting a seven or eight week trip around the US. It'll be (as he reminded me) the 45th anniversary of our first bike trip together, so I've had a commemorative T shirt printed:

My wife is riding pillion on my bike and it'll be her longest bike trip by some margin. The warning bells from 1973 are ringing loudly in my ears.
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Old 5 Jan 2014
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Originally Posted by MattyRider View Post
Thanks, I had no idea that so many hear the call to explore. It's truly amazing. Im not much for the internet, but I'm loving this site.
We are of course the best site here but you may also want to look at the one we don't mention (Don't let anyone know I told you about ADVrider) which has a greater proportion of low grade porn, internet warriorship and discussions about what flavour of Dunkin Doughnuts is best, but also some info that might be more local to you. If you go over there say hello from us elitist snobs as they affectionately call us

The just-do-it approach can work well if you are the sort of person who falls off, gets up, duct tapes the exhaust back on, takes pictures for a blog and gets on with it. I've seen 40 year old men cry at the realisation that their recovery service won't rescue their Bavarian Behemoth from North Africa though. I've also been hacked off by travel-light/just-do-it types scrounging stuff they could have brought for themselves if they'd had a plan. Our personalities vary. I worked up to bigger trips much more slowly, I'd been riding 8 years before I left Europe although I had done the old DDR pretty much straight off the training course (which of course triggers the bloke in the pub or your Auntie to start predicting death by foreign water, poor plumbing and repeats of various scenes from Midnight Express).

Totally agree with BofB, don't worry about the shopping. Sure, if you meet a travelling companion who works and plan a 90-day trip it may be worth getting matching bikes. You can read plenty of tales where people get a 125 for their wives and then moan she can't keep up with their 1200. The inability to ride slower or understand that your travelling companion can't handle the weight of a 1200 is the bigger step than swapping the bikes. Oddly these guys never try giving the wife the 1200 and seeing if they can keep up on the 125. No point buying stuff until you know it works for you. Buy petrol and tyres first.

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Old 6 Jan 2014
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Originally Posted by Threewheelbonnie View Post

The just-do-it approach can work well if you are the sort of person who falls off, gets up, duct tapes the exhaust back on, takes pictures for a blog and gets on with it.

I'd been riding 8 years before I left Europe

So what Andy is basically saying after riding for 8 years in Europe he still never found out that duct tape does not work when fixing a exhaust

that was a joke by the way
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Old 6 Jan 2014
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Threewheelbonnie summed it up pretty well when he said only you know the answer to the question of solo or with company. My feeling is lot of people struggle when they are alone, especially when away from the little brick boxes in foreign parts.
I am very happy being alone and indeed spend much of my time alone in my work and have done for many years. My first trips were solo and I loved every minute of it. As my trips got further, longer and more adventurous I talked my wife into coming along. 1week 2 weeks 3 weeks....and so on. She loves it, I love it and away from "normal civilian life" we thoroughly enjoy each others company, just like a couple of loved young kids, we've been hitch 26yrs

Anyway now I can't imagine going with out my playmate now mainly because I love to share the experience and would feel guilty if she missed out. Had she not agreed to come the first time I would probably be a solo man and still be happy doing just that.

I'm not too tolerant of other people sometimes ...apparently? I do expect others to do as I can regardless of what it is. "If I can do it, they can do it, if they can do it, I can do it" That could be a bit awkward on a long trip with others, I would have to be more open about my feelings with others to make it work. Looks quite likely that will come into play this year in August, for part or all of our trip, using HUBB !

I have planned trips with friends and "others" but the biggest problem is finding someone that will actually go. I wonder out of every 100 dreamers how many actually do it? Quite a low % I reckon ( I'll start a thread on that I think)

So in summary for MattyRider's OP question: It's all about knowing yourself, and knowing what you may have to do to make it work, what ever you decide to do. The hardest part is actually minute 1 on hour 1 on day one the rest is easy !
Regards Tim

Learning my craft for the big stuff, it won't be long now and it's not that far anyway
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Old 5 Jan 2014
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Originally Posted by MattyRider View Post
Im am very new to the Adv Moto lifestyle. I havn't made any long trips yet. Would it be better with someone or by myself? And where would you start to find someone that would be into this as much as i am? Its scarce in my neck of woods. Asking someone to give it all away to fancy a ride round the world is a tricky question. Am I alone? Or do I find a Partner in Crime? Also when i say Duo or partner I mean another Rider with another bike, not on the same bike. Thanks.
Don't look into it to much just because you never went on any trips does not mean you can't crack a big trip as your first and also solo if needed, many people do it

I myself only passed my bike test a few weeks before I set of on my first trip last year on my first every bike that I had only rode less than 100 miles on since passing my test.

Maybe my ongoing blog (link at bottom) is worth alook for you
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Old 15 Jan 2014
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As noted, only you can answer the question. Both styles are very different and have their sacrifices. My own preference is to travel alone, but if I meet someone interesting on the road I will travel with them for awhile. I have ridden with other motorcyclists and taken on passengers. When it is time to go our separate ways.....we do so with no problem because it is simply time for each of us to do something different. For me, this suits both my need for solo travel and the joy of shared experiences.
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Old 16 Jan 2014
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I've had 2 bad experiences travelling with people I didn't know well.

The first trip, to France, I was part of 6 riders. Found out on the ferry that 4 had never ridden abroad before. After 5 days, those 4 riders said they "didn't like it" & rode back to the UK (seriously!). That left me & 1 guy. He'd arranged to visit family in Germany & although he invited me to tag along, I decided to head down to Spain and do my own thing (had a great time).

My second bad trip: I'd planned to ride to Austria, this time, on my own. However, a guy on a bike forum asked if he could ride with me as he was going to Greece. On that basis, I assumed (never again) that he was an experienced rider / traveller so agreed. We didn't make it past Ostend together. He was a total liability - left his passport on the ferry, then lost his gloves & the final straw was finding out he'd booked a hotel room without consulting me!

So if you plan to ride with others, try to meet and chat as much as possible. Go on biking weekend together, discuss how you like to ride, how much you like to stop, do they have any habits you can't stand?
Have an exit plan - for anyone to use whenever they wish with no hard feelings

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Old 17 Jan 2014
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I've rode mostly alone, although I've done a couple of lengthy tours with large groups, and have rode with 1 other rider a few times.

I hate riding in groups. You spend way, way too much time riding someone else's pace and not your own. If someone else screws up, you can pay the price.

Riding with one other person can be ideal - if that other rider and you know each other's pace and can ride well together.

I've come to prefer riding alone. You only have to deal with your own BS, not someone else's. Ride when you want, stop when you want, sleep in or get up early, eat what you want, visit what you prefer, etc. etc.
Bruce Clarke - 2020 Yamaha XV250
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solo, two riders

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