I've just read about Glen Heggstad's ordeal as a captive of ELN in Columbia (see
www.strikingviking.net and postings on 'columbia' messageboard).
I haven't asked him whether he thinks his website might have allowed the guerillas to track his progress and so ambush him, but this does seem like a potential source of danger for any weblogging traveller. Consider that most of the travellers' sites I've seen list equipment - such as laptops, cameras, and even tips for stashing cash - and often include planned routes.
After his release Glen posted a notice to his former captors on his website, offering cash in exchange for his bike. He noted in later posts that this was the only way he knew of contacting the ELN, suggesting they knew of his site. Glen was also hesitant to go into the details of his imprisonment or release, saying the ELN monitored South American travellers' websites - which were, of course, covering the story in depth.
After reading of Glen's story I was even hesitant to post something here in case it gave web-savvy evil-doers bad ideas, but reasoned that this is obviously already going on and it would be better to raise this issue for discussion.
I'm still planning to maintain a weblog/website for my travels, but I will bear Glen's cautionary tale in mind when posting stuff about planned routes. As with all travelling, a little caution and common sense works better than outright paranoia.
Your thoughts on this?
As a post-script, Glen notes than some people think he has a death-wish for continuing on his journey to Tierra del Fuego rather than flying home to recover from the physical and psychological torture he endured. Instead, his friends in the US raised the cash to send him another bike so he could continue on. (They also hired a helicopter-gunship to go rescue him but, unfortunately for Hollywood, he was released before it was needed.)
Glen says that his goal is to ride to Tierra del Fuego, and that's what he's going to do. I'm not sure I'd be able to continue after what he's been through, but he's a tough cookie (if ELN did track him from his website they clearly didn't do thorough research; a martial arts expert and ex-bikie is not exactly a soft target). Rather than being some kind of nut, Glen has simply applied the same principle that anyone who has ever travelled must have done - setting a goal and going for it. How else would we have saved for the bike, carnet, etc and got through the myriad of less life-threatening disasters on the road? That's also why we don't give up at the first broder crossing or flat tyre, or even when saving cash vied with the temptation of a new toy or weekend away.
I think Glen's story is one of overcoming adversity. If he's a nut then so are we (actually we probably are nuts...)