The problem with Google is that they are to smart. To smart for themselves and to smart for me.
When I type in www,google,com a initial server scans my IP-range and decideds I come from Thailand and therefor speak Thai.
So I get a Thai-google-screen.
Luckily I have a google-account and in that it says that I am dutch... So the coockies on my PC tell them to show a dutch-screen.
So now I get a dutch google-screen with a button to switch to Thai.
Don't you just love modern tech-stuff.
For this same reason I can not open a Paypal account. I tried once and they treatened to sue me and blacklisted my mastercard. Such friendly people.
Internet is great, International connections are fine, but dumb-ass controll-freak take us back to 1900...
and their proud of it.
So, to say short.... I can not see the funny stuff
since I don't have a maps button and can not get one.... unless I log into a britain ISP (but from Thailand that is rather costly)
The same is true for this editor. It won't let me type the google-url, it changes it into a nice colored word. We loose controll from the machines fast.