Check you Registration Certificate (V5)
I'm getting our XT's transferred onto Spanish plates and had the bikes checked over this morning.
I found out that my Registration Certificate (V5) has an extra number in it (it has 5 zero's on the document instead of the 4 zero's that are on the frame).
And yes, before you all ask, the hubby did check the frame number when he bought the bike, and yes, he does wear glasses, but missed the extra zero on the V5 - an easy mistake for anybody to make.
I'm told it is very common on UK motorbikes and many people don't realise, so check your numbers.
If I get stopped by the Guardia Civil, my bike can be impounded (lucky they didn't check it last month then). DVLA say there is a 2-4 week turnaround on getting a new Registration Certificate to me, so I will be riding my bike illegally for the next 5 weeks or so.
I'd be interested to know just how common this is.