Why I dont like the long way round...
For a good number of years i've always wanted to go travelling, some crazy expedition to a place where they eat crazy food, have crazy religions, drive on the crazy side of the road, talk crazy languages, worship the sun and still think that dial up internet is something which comes from out of space.
Anyway, i'm finally planning my first trip and am planning on going to India overland. I haven't seen the Long way round yet, but have caught bits of it. To be honest I dont have any bad feelings towards the project that they did and in all honesty if I was that famous with that much money i'd probably do something similar.
What actually annoys me is the fact that every time you mention that your going travelling on a motorbike people almost instantly say, "oh cool, like on the long way round?".
Well, i've not even seen it yet so I wouldn't know, but honestly I can't imagine it been anything like that. I'm going on my own for a start. No film crew, no buddy on bike, no sat phone, no doctor, no helicopter back up, no gps, no SAS training, no £7000 bike, no intensive planning and meetings with sponsors, no studio garage back home, hell i'm not even a jedi.
Also if someone introduces themselves as Hutch, please dont say "SO where's Starsky?"
Peace out all.....