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Travellers' questions that don't fit anywhere else This is an opportunity to ask any question, and post any notice you wish that doesn't fit into one of the other sections.
Photo by Brad-Houghton, of Parque Nacional Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia

Destination ANYWHERE...

Photo by Brad-Houghton,
The Stone Tree,
Reserva Nacional de
Fauna Andina Eduardo Avaroa
(Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna
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Old 18 Jan 2022
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Not that easy

With conditions as of now, it is not as easy that you just make a decision and go.

There has been and will probably been closed borders and lock down.
Many countries in South America had complete lock down. Where it was illegal to even leave the apartment. People have been lock in for 6 months or more. Not lacking ideas and willingness. Just because they would go to jail if they tried to move. Visa and TIP had expired. In the beginning, the mood was OK. Better to wait out the storm there than in Europe. But that changed as time passed.

I have followed the situation rather carefully.
(Some examples that you can watch are Itchy boots in Peru, Pablo Viajero and Pedro Mota in Argentina. (Pablo had to spend more than ½ year in Ushuaia.)

I made the decision to travel in South America. Did all preparation. The schedule was to start in Chile September 2020. Than everything was locked down. I am sad that I could not go. But happy that I was not prisoner in SA.

=> the situation is that you can't just decide. Governments decide. We can hope for better times. But one thing is for sure. All predictions have failed.

And I am still ready to go. As soon as it is possible. September 2021 ??

But so far, most of my plans and expectations in life has failed. So it is probably better to stop dreaming, Since everything anyhow ends up in a mess/hell.( Not related to travelling, but to life in general)
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Old 26 Jan 2022
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What an interesting discussion,

I have wanted to travel longer term for awhile, but life,kids,business make this always a big hurdle that when looked at seems taller than everest.

A few years back my dad had a stroke, he is no longer the gentleman I once knew,very frail,many health issues,and though he did enjoy much of his later life as he slowed down, he was never able to "retire" fully,before the stroke made him.

That issue scares the living s**t out of me! Could that happen to me?

If id did, I would be absolutely pissed! what was the point of working to "death"? to leave it to others?

So I started to plan to do a few "epic" trips,noting like some of the folks here, but something greater than a 2 week holiday.


Maybe this was the world telling me,"hey stupid, dont wait or plan to far ahead!"

I was able to keep working during this time, I acquired one of my competitors,saved some more money, bought some more rental property (part of my master plan to one day travel and have regular monies coming in) and in general kept my head down.

But im not happy.

I sit here in Canada where for the better part of this entire month of January it has been constantly between -15 and -30 C ,all month! I dream everyday of sunshine and waves,sand dunes and mountain passes, I check on here(and various news outlets) to see whats open(borders) and where I can head to. Its still bloody unstable,but its getting better (I think), so im hopeful.

For the last 2 years I have saved money religiously, all in a goal to be able to get out and start travelling (at least how I think I want to travel based on my "plan").

But I know that my "first" trip will likely be less than a month,I still have way to many things I do on a daily basis that I cant offload onto anyone else,but I am hoping that this "trip" will be the catalyst to put in place what needs to be done.

I would love to sell my business and take my knowledge of aircraft repair and overhaul and consult freelance all over the world (for me consulting is not "work", but sharing your knowledge that people pay you for,huge win in my book!) or not.But it would be my choice. No employee's, just me.

I still feel like the hamster in the wheel, but im more hopeful than I was yesterday,and the day before that,because at the end of the day all we may have is our hope for tomorrow.

And so I think that the dreams vs reality is the constant struggle that every single person on the planet struggles with everyday,some for travel and others simply for a better tomorrow.

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Old 30 Jan 2022
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One way

I have a friend from Finland.

Here is his story (I am only typing his words. So no point in arguing with me)
Take it for what it is.

I sold everything I had.
Both a gun.
I put the gun in the bottom of my luggage.
And the money over it.
And then I will ride until I am out of money.
And when that happens, I do not have to worry.
The final solution is there.

Finish Sisu

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Old 31 Jan 2022
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Originally Posted by Erik_G View Post
I have a friend from Finland.

Here is his story (I am only typing his words. So no point in arguing with me)
Take it for what it is.
It reads like the solution he choose for himself.

Not like his story.

In a thread "dream vs reality" this seems to be too short to explain anything?!

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Old 31 Jan 2022
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Originally Posted by Erik_G View Post
I have a friend from Finland.

Here is his story (I am only typing his words. So no point in arguing with me)
Take it for what it is.

I sold everything I had.
Both a gun.
I put the gun in the bottom of my luggage.
And the money over it.
And then I will ride until I am out of money.
And when that happens, I do not have to worry.
The final solution is there.

Finish Sisu

Was his final solution to use the gun on himself or rob a bank ?
Did some trips.
Rode some bikes.
Fix them for a living.
Can't say anymore.
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Old 31 Jan 2022
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Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* View Post
Was his final solution to use the gun on himself or rob a bank ?
I did ask myself the same.

A gun makes no sense at all. Better using the cash for travelling.

You can buy a overdosed heroin shot world near wide for below of 30$, if you plan to leave. The abusing peoples are so easy to discover... Less stress at border crossings without a gun.. Leaving with a smile.

Or you can travelling to switzerland. Here you can join Exit a kind of society who gives you the last poisen jab and accompany you at leaving. Completely legal. Will cost you between 1100 and 3700$. Not much more than a really god gun. And much better than cause a trauma at strangers, if they find your body somewhere.

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Old 31 Jan 2022
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Originally Posted by rydz View Post
What an interesting discussion,

I have wanted to travel longer term for awhile, but life,kids,business make this always a big hurdle that when looked at seems taller than everest.

A few years back my dad had a stroke, he is no longer the gentleman I once knew,very frail,many health issues,and though he did enjoy much of his later life as he slowed down, he was never able to "retire" fully,before the stroke made him.

That issue scares the living s**t out of me! Could that happen to me?

If id did, I would be absolutely pissed! what was the point of working to "death"? to leave it to others?

So I started to plan to do a few "epic" trips,noting like some of the folks here, but something greater than a 2 week holiday.


Maybe this was the world telling me,"hey stupid, dont wait or plan to far ahead!"

I was able to keep working during this time, I acquired one of my competitors,saved some more money, bought some more rental property (part of my master plan to one day travel and have regular monies coming in) and in general kept my head down.

But im not happy.

I sit here in Canada where for the better part of this entire month of January it has been constantly between -15 and -30 C ,all month! I dream everyday of sunshine and waves,sand dunes and mountain passes, I check on here(and various news outlets) to see whats open(borders) and where I can head to. Its still bloody unstable,but its getting better (I think), so im hopeful.

For the last 2 years I have saved money religiously, all in a goal to be able to get out and start travelling (at least how I think I want to travel based on my "plan").

But I know that my "first" trip will likely be less than a month,I still have way to many things I do on a daily basis that I cant offload onto anyone else,but I am hoping that this "trip" will be the catalyst to put in place what needs to be done.

I would love to sell my business and take my knowledge of aircraft repair and overhaul and consult freelance all over the world (for me consulting is not "work", but sharing your knowledge that people pay you for,huge win in my book!) or not.But it would be my choice. No employee's, just me.

I still feel like the hamster in the wheel, but im more hopeful than I was yesterday,and the day before that,because at the end of the day all we may have is our hope for tomorrow.

And so I think that the dreams vs reality is the constant struggle that every single person on the planet struggles with everyday,some for travel and others simply for a better tomorrow.

You know what they say about aviation: to make a million dollars you first have to throw away 3 million
I dont know you survived the pandemic in aviation maintenance It is lousy wages for most and uncertainty in Canada to make a living without a pandemic
it has put my life on hold since April 2020 But I am fat and Happy in Colombia on my f700gs
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Old 21 Mar 2022
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Shorter trip is also wonderful

Originally Posted by rydz View Post
What an interesting discussion,

But I know that my "first" trip will likely be less than a month,I still have way to many things I do on a daily basis that I cant offload onto anyone else,but I am hoping that this "trip" will be the catalyst to put in place what needs to be done.

To go somewhere for less than a month is also a great adventure.
Before Covid19 times I went to a tour in Nepal.
That was the time I could take of at that moment.

The year after, I was little late with planning. But I tried o get a trip to Tibet. Incl North Base camp of Mount Everest.

But... one tour was full. Next cancelled due to too few participants.
It is still on my wish list.

As well as a trip in Vietnam.
To start in one end. Renting a bike. And ride to the other end.
Spending just under a month. Before Covid times, you could get 30 days Visa easy.
This is also still on my wish list.. after Covid.
But time is running and.....

I think it is better to have realistic plans, that can be done.
Than dreams that are unrealistic.
And the difference between the two types are very different for each person.

Let us hope that things will get back to more normal.
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Old 25 Jan 2023
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I'd say go for it.

If you have travelled through life in general as a pair and indeed as your post suggests have already travelled overland together, you have the trust and strength to get through any challenges a trip of this nature could throw at you.

If you are teetering on the edge of 'am I fit enough' this IS absolutely the time to go as days riding will soon toughen your body composition and your appetite for adventure will likely grow daily too.

I agree with a prior posts point - if you are able to secure a property - no matter how small - with some of the funds you have, and can lease this while you travel, you are guaranteed a lump sum and a toe on the property ladder when you return. But other than this...

Go go go!

I'm just reading your post after posting my own. It's taken 12 years and a lot of headaches to get to my departure point. Although a little younger than you, I've had my own 'is it too late' thoughts... but to hell with it - were off soon!

And I sincerely hope you will be too.

Dream big then go fulfil those dreams.
Maybe we'll see you in the Americas (we too started with the overland from Europe plan but have changed to airfreight to Alaska instead!)

Safe travels.

Braddan & Shona.
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Old 26 Jan 2023
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Originally Posted by rydz View Post
...my dad had a stroke, he is no longer the gentleman I once knew,very frail,many health issues...That issue scares the living s**t out of me! Could that happen to me? ...But I know that my "first" trip will likely be less than a month,
Paulo; I don't know what part of Canada you live in, but you have epic trips north of you towards the Arctic! Labrador Hwy, Radisson PQ - James Bay - North Road, Dempster Hwy... You can also visit South America in a two week stint, renting a moto to the highlands of Peru, or the coffee country of Colombia. Your trip does not have to be a 3 month or 2 year epic journey. If you wait for the epic journey, it may never happen! You can leave your business for 2 weeks. I did, many times, before retiring. Worse case, schedule a company shut down for 2 or 3 weeks!
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Old 26 Sep 2023
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Originally Posted by Braddan View Post
If you have travelled through life in general as a pair and indeed as your post suggests have already travelled overland together, you have the trust and strength to get through any challenges a trip of this nature could throw at you.

If you are teetering on the edge of 'am I fit enough' this IS absolutely the time to go as days riding will soon toughen your body composition and your appetite for adventure will likely grow daily too.

I agree with a prior posts point - if you are able to secure a property - no matter how small - with some of the funds you have, and can lease this while you travel, you are guaranteed a lump sum and a toe on the property ladder when you return. But other than this...

Go go go!

I'm just reading your post after posting my own. It's taken 12 years and a lot of headaches to get to my departure point. Although a little younger than you, I've had my own 'is it too late' thoughts... but to hell with it - were off soon!

And I sincerely hope you will be too.

Dream big then go fulfil those dreams.
Maybe we'll see you in the Americas (we too started with the overland from Europe plan but have changed to airfreight to Alaska instead!)

Safe travels.

Braddan & Shona.
Just catching up with this thread as we are currently in the process of planning now for 2025, 90% certain to ship the bike into South America, the other 10% is a Mongolian itch I’ve had for some years, saying that with the current situation in Russia twinned with the fact I would have to get a CDP for the bike whereas South America we would not need one.

Thank you for your kind words they kind of made me feel a tad fuzzy inside. I hope you are well into your big adventure (I’ll go check out other posts to try and find your progress), stay safe and enjoy.
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Old 27 Sep 2023
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Originally Posted by DeeGee View Post
Just catching up with this thread as we are currently in the process of planning now for 2025, 90% certain to ship the bike into South America, the other 10% is a Mongolian itch I’ve had for some years, saying that with the current situation in Russia twinned with the fact I would have to get a CDP for the bike whereas South America we would not need one.

Thank you for your kind words they kind of made me feel a tad fuzzy inside. I hope you are well into your big adventure (I’ll go check out other posts to try and find your progress), stay safe and enjoy.
Good luck on your trip, whatever choice you make.

My bike is stored for winter in Magadan as it got snowed in at the beginning of September, and since TIP expires in June I will have to take it out the country by then. The closest crossable border is with Mongolia, so here we come

Sent from my BV4900Pro which I haven't managed to drown yet
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