Emotional preparation for the road!
Im planning my biggest trip yet of at least 12 months and maybe more from Alaska-Argentina and maybe Australia too. My longest trip was 6 weeks around Europe with my ex girlfriend
Well, last time I was away i got quite home sick and missed my friends and family quite a bit and probably the familiarity and comfort feeling of a familiar 'home'.
I might be doing my trip solo and I suppose what im fearing is the sense of lonelyness on the road, especially as im a very social person and like to be around friends and family.
How you you guys prepare and adapt yourselfs to throwing yourself into unknow territory, away from home for long periods of time ? Do you get homesick and sometimes feel like coming home ?
To go on my trip im throwing all security's out of the window. Job, home, savings etc. I know I will come home with nothing but debt and i will have to start from scratch !! Does this worry other people ????
Dont get me wrong, I cant wait for my trip and im thoroughly looking forward to the adventure and life changing experience, Im just thinking about mental perperation and how I might feel once theres no turning back.
You thoughts would be appreciated.
Cheers, ed
Did some trips.
Rode some bikes.
Fix them for a living.
Can't say anymore.