Expensive bikes in Iceland, what are my options?
Hello experts,
I'm planning a trip with two friends in 2013 for over a year through various parts of Africa and Central Asia. I'm Icelandic and bikes here are either notoriously expensive or non-existent. If we import bikes we have to pay VAT and very high import taxes.
So I'm thinking of buying a bike(KTM 640 Adv) somewhere in Europe, maybe Germany or Austria and registering it in Germany.
How much of a trouble is this? I have a dual citizenship(Icelandic/German) and my German is adequate. I could of course move my address to Germany, but the thought of applying for registration, insurance, carnet etc. in Germany frightens me.
What are my options? Do you thing it's possible to get the carnet, insurance, etc. in Iceland though the bike is registered in Germany? I'm guessing not.
And one more question. Is it possible to have two addresses in different countries, say one in Iceland and the other in Germany?
Thanks in advance, Loftur