General information
Hi There
I wonder if anyone can give me some information for a motorcycle trip that I am considering taking? I have no real motorcycle experience (apart from an unfortunate crash in Vietnam) but I am no stranger to travel and have always wanted to go on a motorcycle adventure. The problem is that I have no idea how much a trip will cost me…and I am not looking to spend a fortune.
The plan at present is to ride from Chile to Canada. How much will a trip like this cost realistically for fuel, visas etc? Just an average figure will suffice…and hopefully give me an idea of what kind of money to save.
What Kind of Bike would be good for this type of Journey, preferably a bike which is good on fuel but can handle the varying South American roads and is reasonably priced?
Should I buy a bike in South America or buy one from the UK and customize it here and send it to south America?
Is it possible to travel from South America to Canada without a Carnet?
Any answers and advice will be greatly appreciated