Good year for you?
That's it, we came to the end of 2011 and I am thinking about what I have done and would like to do next so I wanted to ask you guys the same question : Was 2011 a good adventure/travelling-related year for you? Are you stuck in front of your computer sighing and wishing to be in somebody else's motorcycle boots when you read their reports/plans?? Have you got yourself big plans for 2012 ??
I personally feel like 2011 has not been particularly great because I had to work to finish paying my 2009-2010 trip. At least I feel relieved that I don't have any more debts and that it was worth it every penny. The only trip I did this year was to take a bike from the UK to Spain and leave it there to be used when I visit part of my family in the southern part of that country. Not a big adventure trip but at least that gave me the feeling I was or could still be on the road in one of those nice trips.
My plans for 2012?...well, if the world keeps going I'll save some money and keep reading some Africa reports, posts or questions to see if that becomes the next step. In the meanwhile I'm still riding throughout across London, doing my job as a security response guy, not too exciting but I like riding every day although today is not ideal is it? ...ok, now back to work for me  .
Happy New Year everyone, have a nice trip and very interesting adventures.