How to fall off?
My girlfriend and I are going to Morocco in October. She doesn't have much experience as a pillion (or of motorbikes), so naturally the thought of coming off scares her to death. I expect that we will have a couple of low-speed topples - as seems to be the norm for overloaded overlanders.
I'm worried that she might get her leg stuck under the rear panniers or otherwise get injured in a low-speed fall (delicate flower that she is). Therefore I was thinking about staging a little 'practice crash' on grass before we go. This would involve just laying the bike down while stationary. Hopefully this will also give her a bit of confidence so she isn't so worried when we get to rough roads.
Anyone else done this? Is it a good idea?
Also, what tips would you offer pillions for safe crashing on a bike with panniers?
3AJ Tenere
XT600Z 3AJ Tenere (rebuild in progress)