Importing US bikes to the UK
Hello all
I’m looking to import an XR650L from the US, and wondered if anybody has any advice on the following - any ideas would be most welcome:
1) A shipping agent who can pick up from a US Honda dealer, and deliver to the UK at a reasonable cost. The alternatives at the moment seem to by air-freight – around $1400 – or to ship vial roll-on, roll-off ferry (but I’m not sure how it would be possible to ‘roll-on’ without being present)
2) The logistics of ordering from (and paying) a dealer in the US for a new bike without being physically present.
3) Any hair-tearing customs formalities to expect on this side
Any info you can contribute would be most welcome .
(Did a year from Kenya to South Africa in the late 80’s on a mountain-bike - up to Loiyangalani and down to SA/ across Lesotho - heard all the stories about Central and West / North Africa, but never made it there, and still want to go, but a mountain-bike doesn’t seem like a goer for some reason.)
Thanks … Wal