Just to give you guys an update on this.
I downloaded the duolingo app and it works great. I don't use it as often as I should but deep down I'm still a lazy guy. But it is coming along slow and steady.
Secondly is quit my job as a paper pusher about 2 years now. I'm back in the Netherlands and found a job working construction. Pay is lousy but as a non skilled Bob the Builder the main contractor is teaching me A LOT. It's hard work and I get my ass kicked when I make a mistake. Coffee is awful, but I'm learning and having fun.
After this, he is offering me other jobs. Also, I've started building a collection of tools that will come in handy. People asking me to fix kitchens, roofing and stuff. Might be useful to make an extra penny.
Also started a education on becoming a swim trainer. Not a future that will make me a rich man but I like swimming and it broadens the horizon.
All in all it is quite good. I won't work forever doing this but it is much better than emailing deadlines at a laptop.
Moral of the story; change can be done but it hurts. Lost a love, a car and a career. Gained a new perspective on life, work and speak German. And got a better physical. Back pain is gone, muscles like the Hulk and a tan from being outside.
If you want something, go get it.