Originally Posted by dave ede
result of some English people (other English speakers dont do this) including this nonexistent letter.
Hi Mark
The _rick who is giving the English lesson is not worth a _ank, I would rather not reply to the _unt as he tries to cause trouble and half the time is only trying to boost his 'posts counter'. Ask Grant or Susan how many times this _rick as been either banned or been on 'moderated user' I am sure Ol' big boots being so good with English can sort out the missing letters himself. Just watch how many replies he makes in this thread.
Oh Dave, Dave, - have you no sense of humour at all? You're a grim sort of person. Must you use such filthy obscene language? Please dont judge me by your shabby "standards", -ie "posts count". Try to lighten up a bit. And if I remember rightly, you were on the point of being banned. So stop this. I've done what I could to to soothe you. You slackmouthed cretin.
Last edited by Caminando; 28 May 2008 at 00:25.