Ring of kerry
Hi...I rode round the Ring of kerry last year whilst at the Harley Rally in Killarney. I was riding my Harley with sidecar...and found the journey quite tough in terms of the roads are terrible. Plus buses on many sections taking tourists around...they give no quarter on bends...due really to the narrow sections. There are bits of road which is very nice...then as you go round a bend ferking potholes and bumps then confronted with a bus...OK I was riding my sidecar outfit and it was a different experience.
From Killarney and back the journey took 5 hours...that was with a stop for lunch and 2 other stops to take in the scenery and a coffee.
Dont be put off by my experience with a sidecar...the scenery is very good and there are a few places to stop and take photos..but beware its rip off time for coffees/cokes/food....the locals have a short time to make a living...so why not rip off the tourists...I dont have an issue with that....they are nice people with it.
Killarney is a nice place to visit..the locals are great...some nice eateries..and the is good..hic hic.