As Docksherlock sez, you can't legally sell/import it but.... you can sell it to anybody willing to part with the money and then THEY get to deal with any legality issues ....IF they try to register and insure it. If they were happy just to own it and ride around on their own private property and NEVER try using it on public roads or trails then it would not need to cause them a problem. It would be just like with some of the "grey market "imports, illegal for road use but okay as toys on track days and playgrounds.
The reason for not being importable have to do with the model not being inspected and homologated by Transport Canada and such offices, not conforming to CDN safety/emissions/lighting etc etc etc .A lot of bureau cratic drivel really . Yamaha didn't submit a model for homologation because they did not think sufficient sales would recoup the expenses involved. There are a lot of good bikes sold in other countries which we never see in North America.
If you can get it fixed do so and your ride will be ready waiting for your next trip.