I'm currently working on an RTW trip, hopefully starting early July 2003. There's two of us going, both on R80G/S bikes. We have a website in English and Dutch, and have documented just about everything one can think of.
One of the debates we are having is around sponsorship. We're trying to get an angle on the trip that will allow us to go sponsored for the whole or part of the trip. One of the ideas is a periodical, with pictures etc., on a secure website. People could then buy access per story or buy a subscription. The other options include some creative work with Durex (yes, the condoms), by offering some local education in the various places we will come. Maybe hand out some samples. I think it's a unique way to get into the smaller places of the world and stop AIDS etc. A good selling feature, maybe. As well, we're thinking of putting a PayPal link on our sites so as to allow people to "buy" some miles in support for our cause etc.
We're planning to be gone for 1000-odd days, so money will be an issue.
Has anyone successfully tried a stab at sponsorship, the financial kind? The real cost is in the daily living expenses, not the gear or the bike. So offering free tires or clothes doesn’t but much. Anyone ever have any luck, or people you know of, with this sort of an approach?