Tool advice from the experienced wrenchers
I need some advice from people with much experience working on bikes, both in the garage and out in the feild.
Having just come back from a big trip where I took an extremely heavy pouch full of tools (apart from the ones I needed!) I am now looking at reducing the weight and size of said pouch without affecting the overall usefulness of the tools inside. For example, as I don't really know how to use most of the functions on my multimeter, I have made a wee test lamp from a dashboard warning light to use instead.
I have two basic questions:
1: I am thinking of replacing my ring/open jaw spanner set with the type where you get two open jaws of different sizes on one spanner, thus reducing the weight/size of the spanner roll by half. I wonder if this will give me grief I haven't foreseen? Would I be better keeping the ring spanners?
2: Are there any ideas you guys have had which has helped reduce the size of your tool kit (no 'join the AA' jokes please!)?
I apologise if this seems geeky.
*Disclaimer* - I am not saying my bike is better than your bike. I am not saying my way is better than your way. I am not mocking your religion/politics/other belief system. When reading my post imagine me sitting behind a frothing pint of ale, smiling and offering you a bag of peanuts. This is the sentiment in which my post is made. Please accept it as such!