Transport Damag on bike trouble with forwarder
Hi all,
I hope someone can help us:
We shipped our bikes from LA to Brisbane in November 2011. And noticed instantly the big dent on the tank of one bike. We immediately took pictures and the lady at the warehouse took pictures as well and confirmed all this.
We send our freight forwarder an email incl. the details and pics immediately.
But since then we only get evasive answers on the fone from him and no reply to our mails at all.
Since we had trouble with him with the shipment anyway (we had to wait fro 2,5 weeks because he forgot to send the carnets from LA to Brisbane and was telling us shit for 2 weeks) we don't want to let this one slip.
Anyone a idea how to proceed with this?
We even send him an estimate for the repair/replacement of the tank so he could give this to his insurance... so far no answer.
Hope for some help here :confused1:
Nini (in Auckland)
nini und katja on tour