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Old 23 Feb 2017
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Traveling with a new flame = recipe for disaster?

Anyone cares to share experiences where they traveled with a new flame?

I met woman who is very well traveled but as a back packer. She does not ride but comes from a family of riders.

I am an experienced motorcyclist with a few cross continent trips under my belt.

We get a long very well, known each other for 2 months si it's all very new and fresh.

I am soon leaving for a 10 month motorcycle trip in a few weeks. I am faced with 3 options.

1. Break up with her
2. Travel alone while in a relationship (this I dread the most)
3. Take her along

We havent talked about traveling together but she knows I am leaving and I have a feeling she wants to come along.

I am thinking that traveling with her could easely go sour as well be spending 100% of our time together. We now see each other 3 times a week and it's pretty amazing. But what if after a few weeks we want to kill each other? It could also be an amazing experience, discovering new lands and cultures with someone you care about.

Anyone care to share their past experiences?
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Old 23 Feb 2017
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Definitely 3 - take her along. No better way of getting to know someone. If it doesn't work out..........you tried. If it fails on a trip it would probably happen anyway later down the line, months or years later, that would be far worse.

If it works out, happy days

My advice is this aint the place you should be asking the question. Ask her and be honest with what you feel, if you can't get through that together, life will chew you up and spit you out anyway. Issues of mind most often are not seen in reality, talk with her, go on your trip and most importantly come back and tell everyone how well it went.
Regards Tim

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Old 23 Feb 2017
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Try and get her to come along, you will never know unless you do and I expect it will either go very well or badly, if the latter you were not meant for each other. I have travelled with a girlfriend in the past and it was a good experience for both of us, I have also left to travel a couple of times with a girlfriend waiting for me but have never returned to one.
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Old 23 Feb 2017
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I did travel before with a new flame and she was a backpacker. It worked really well with her travelling by bus and me alone on my bike when moving to the next city. You get your free time. She get her free time and you meet later in the evening. Spend a few days visiting a city together and move again. Here and there there will be nights were you will not meet but that's not a big of a deal.
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Old 23 Feb 2017
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If she comes along it'll have to become our trip - a 50:50 joint venture - rather than her just tagging along on something you've planned for yourself. That may change things somewhat for you. Otherwise it may work for a week or two until you have a difference of opinion.

That's going to mean her going through the itinerary, looking at it from her perspective and (most likely) making changes, some of which you may not like.

Trips together are always a game of give and take and you may feel you're giving more than your fair share but that's because you're the one that's put the work in so far. She'll be the one turning her life upside down at short notice and she'll have to feel it was worth it.

There are some practical considerations as well. Has she done any pillion riding? I have a friend who, some years ago, set off on a one month trip with his girlfriend who'd never gone further than the local pub on sunny summer evenings on a bike and they made it from London to Frankfurt before she decided she hated it and flew home. Best to find out this kind of thing beforehand because mid trip bust-ups never end well.
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Old 24 Feb 2017
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It's a priority game, if it's important to you that this trip is yours and follows your plan then taking her is going to be problematic - flexibility will be needed on your part.

If you're ok with that then what do you have to lose? Option one gives you no chance of anything lasting with this girl, option 2 only you can assess how that will pan out, option three probably has the highest chance of success for the relationship and could create a new motorcycle traveller. That's a great thing to share.

If it all goes wrong on option three you've lost nothing. You've slightly modified the early parts of your trip, no great loss there. You've lost the girl but if you plan to keep travelling you were probably going to lose her eventually anyway if you're not compatible travellers!
[ Tim | History - NW Italy/French Rivera, Swiss Alps, Morocco | 2016 - Greece > Albania > Macedonia > Kosovo > Montenegro > Bosnia > Slovenia > Austria ]
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Old 24 Feb 2017
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As a side note.
We have met many couples along the way on our (So far 3 years) trip.
Its been quite an education!!
A lot..and i do mean a lot of couples who have been together for many years and then decide to travel together have huge problems with each other..
When you think about it how often do you see your partner compared to your work mates???
We had a big chat about this before we left and thank god we work well as a team as well as a couple.
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Old 24 Feb 2017
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Try option 3 but have the below video option ready.

Last edited by Nuff Said; 24 Feb 2017 at 14:43.
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Old 25 Feb 2017
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3 choices?

Dear lostintime,

Perhaps I might be of some help. The question is what to do with or without your "New Flame". Your stated 3 options are:

"I am soon leaving for a 10 month motorcycle trip in a few weeks. I am faced with 3 options.
1. Break up with her
2. Travel alone while in a relationship (this I dread the most)
3. Take her along"

It seems to me that the reasons relationship go south - no pun intended are FIVE!

1) Communication: The speed of particle flow or rhythm of communication of each is probably the most common reason for a break up. Each of us has a natural rate at which we inflow and outflow information. This does not mean that someone who process data more slowly is less intelligent or less able, it just means that if the rhythm of inflow and out flow is not similar, it is a continued source of frustration that generally leads to a separation.

2). Emotions: most of us exhibit a wide rage of emotions, that can be identified and run between apathy to serenity - somewhere in the middle is boredom and below that are the negative emotions like anger, antagonism, hostility, pain grief etc. and above boredom are the positive emotions - interest, enthusiasm, games etc. each of us has a chronic emotion determined as that emotion we hang out in most often. It is very easy through simple observation to determine the emotion that is the chronic emotion of a person. For a relationship to survive long term, the chronic emotion of each must be similar. Two angry people might fight like hell but enjoy a real loving long term life long relationship because they see the world through a curtain of anger and because of this really understand and love each other. So determine the chronic emotion of your potential mate and see if it matches the emotion you hang out in most of the time. this is true for two people having whichever emotion in common as their chronic emotion.

3). Body Mind and Spirit: there must be, at least for the young and not so old, a sexual attraction, I always know if I am sexually attracted to a woman or not. woman know if they are sexually attracted to a man or not. So select a mate to who you are sexually attracted. The mind consists of experiences - educational levels are part of the experience of the mind, natural "raw" intelligence, travel and work experiences, talents such as art, music or the ability to learn a new language make up the mind of a person. Find out about the mind of your potential mate and then see if it is a match for your mind. The old saying "opposites attract" is hogwash! Opposites attract DIVORCE!
Basically there are two kinds of spiritual beings, one, has the attitude, "I am going to survive and you are going to survive even if I have to help you" two has the attitude that "anyone doing better than me is an enemy that must be destroyed overtly or covertly." These might be characterized as BIG Spirits and LITTLE Spirits. Big Spirits get along very well wth other Big Spirits and Little Spirits get along quite well with Little Spirits. But a Big Spirit as defined here with a Little Spirit will end very badly!

4). Agreements: All relationships are composed of spoken and unspoken agreements. Find out if your potential mate can make and keep agreements. A good way to determine if your potential mate is breaking agreements is that he/she will continually be nagging you about insignificant actions - this, just to justify that he/she has broken an agreement and needs to justify doing so.

5) Most of us , I would say 80 - 90 % of the human population are good people more willing to help than to hurt. Find someone who has comparable magnitude to you. This, only you can determine. Each of us is endowed - by past lives or by God or by genetics with a magnitude of existence - you will know when you have found a mate who is of comparable magnitude - I can't help with this.... For me, I know when she enters a room without even seeing her. This is the best way I can explain it - a similar vibration. Forgive me I am just a lost boy of the sixties....

But I hope I have helped - you in selecting one of your stated 3 options listed above.

May we no longer be strangers. xfiltrate
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Old 27 Feb 2017
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Thank you guys for chiming in.

g6snl: I would like to reiterate that I am to make my own decision on this and am not going to do what the interwebs tell me to do.

I however highly value the advice and comments based on past experiences.

Backofbeyond: It is true that if we travel together, it will become our trip and not just her tagging along on my trip. So I would need to discuss her take on the trips, what she wants out of this experience and the financial side of traveling together. I also dont know how she will like riding pilion. I live in witerland dont think we will get a lot of opportunities to ride before I leave.

Patontrip: This is not a bad idea. I would not move seperately at all times but maybe a break can be planned somewhere along the line. I know she has friends who travel so I might drop her off at a rendevous point, le her do her own thing with her friends for a few weeks while I am having solo motorcycling fun.

Overland Tonka: are you saying that you think it is better to try traveling together early in a relationship rather than later down the road. If you can travel well with a significant other, chance of successfull relionship in civilian life is much higher?
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Old 27 Feb 2017
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If she's up for it, then take her along..

Assuming you want that too.

Travelling with someone will accelerate the direction you're heading anyway.

If it all goes wrong, you can always drop her off at the airport. And save some cash to pay for the flight....
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Old 28 Feb 2017
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Originally Posted by lostintime View Post
I am soon leaving for a 10 month motorcycle trip in a few weeks. I am faced with 3 options.

1. Break up with her
2. Travel alone while in a relationship (this I dread the most)
3. Take her along
If in your mind you already have option 1 .... I wouldn't be to optimistic. Good suggestions here, TT especially. In the end it is not about mathematic and logic, it is about feelings and emotions. What is your heart speaking to you?
Find some free weekend, sooner better, put her on a bike or in a tent . You will have an answer. After that you can speak about traveling.
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Old 1 Mar 2017
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Originally Posted by lostintime View Post
and I have a feeling she wants to come along.
Firstly, ask her what she wants. Don't EVER try to 2nd guess a woman
Discuss your previous travels with her & the storage limitations on the bike.
Either way, have a great trip
My memory is becoming that good, I should be able to organise my own surprise party soon
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Old 1 Mar 2017
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Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* View Post
If it all goes wrong, you can always drop her off at the airport. And save some cash to pay for the flight....
Or just ride off & leave her at a gas station.

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Old 1 Mar 2017
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Originally Posted by Mezo View Post
Or just ride off & leave her at a gas station.

She wouldn't be the first !! And she won't be the last !!

Find me on Facebook: MotoTed & MotoRevive.
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