Hey G_S
I think that is a question which is very much dependant on the person involved. I have travelled alone and with a friend and found that they both have their pros and cons. I think travelling alone is something some people will enjoy more than others. I am planning my 'big trip' for next year which I will be doing with my girlfriend, however given the choice of travelling with someone or alone I would choose alone any day (that's not to say I am not really looking forward to doing this with my girlfriend!) I think to get most out of a trip in terms of meeting people and self-contemplation, then alone is they way to go. Times I have found hard to be alone are when I have been down or stressed for whatever reason and do not have anyone to share my troubles with. Sometimes your mind can run away with itself when you're alone, bringing feelings of depression or fear or despondency which would probably not occur if you had a companion. If you get this way then you just have to shake yourself out of it, try and step back and look at the big picture and remember how lucky you are to be travelling wherever you are. If you are a person who can happily spend time with yourself then that's a good indication that you would probably be fine travelling alone. My girlfriend, for example, is terrible for being on her own. She always needs the radio or the telly on if there is no one else around and would not even consider travelling alone.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the subject, hope it gives you something to think about.
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