The bit that jumps out for me is not so much the logistics of your travel plans as the effect it'll have on your daughters - particularly the older one. 14 is a tricky age, both from a personal development perspective and an educational one.
My guess would be that she'll be happy to embrace what she'll see as an extended holiday in the short run (even with schoolwork thrown in) but as time passes what she's 'lost' will become more of an issue - friends for example, or her place in the 'social structure' that's her current life. You'll also have to take on board that she'll become increasingly unhappy with her place in the 'mum and dad who make the decisions and two children who tag along' hierarchy. At that age travel is only one of the raft of things that are important in her life. You'll have the same issues with the 10yr old but not to quite the same level.
Both of them would / will gain a lot from the experience but, particularly with the older one, there will be consequences. When she was 14 my daughter (in her 20's now) would not have agreed to go along with what you're talking about. The life plan she'd worked out for herself would have been substantially disrupted by such a change.