TeKal in Guatemala is nice but few adventure to the next site 30 mile aprx. Up the road Past TeKal what you get when you arrive at The ruins is total solitude in a tranquil jungle environment next to Ancient Ruins with no other tourists,who would have known it was even there well anyone that looks at the whole map instead of the Bold Bolien Typset Tourist grabber parts. Message look closely at your maps and it automatically makes the trip an Adventure.
I would like you to have a look at some of the Adventure Lisa and I have been on at our web site it may give you an idea of what you are looking for,keep in mind the economy in the areas you go to kind of dictates the level of caution you should take preventions for I guess,We only had one incident where Lisa was returning to the hotel with morning coffee and threatend her he would beat her up so she let him grab what he could and that was a few hundred Pesos and her smokes ( It was a Friday Night 20 Yr. Old Canteena Survivor). The moral was don't keep all of your eggs in one basket 
My User Profile should show our site,if not I'll post it here,
I just want to give you a peek at what your trip can give you at our site but your trip is what you make of it,Lisa and I have spent much of our time finding little hidden from the main stream places without GPS Thus the name 2LostCdns,not all of the places we have been to are in the pictures mainly because of Time and Place factor large crowds are not always a good place to be in the middle of on loaded Motorcycles I can say with the greatest respect that everywhere we have been to we leave with more trash than what we started with and in return we have met many many people from all parts of the world always willing to share local events and great company and mostly the incredible people that live so much like our selves but get so much less for what they earn and are still able to go to the local waterfall with the whole family and I mean the complete whole family for a picnic. There's a long lost thing in the north American Side a Picnic and don't be shy if your invited to share thier food and hospitality keep in mind of the foods you eat  Enough said Have a great trip and Adventure.
2 Lost Canadians  on a World Walkabout