Auckland NZ: Starting to prep for Sibrisky Extreme 2017
It been a few years since I did my last overland trip (Lon-Singapore), but me and my old travelling companion have started to think about taking on the Sibrisky Extreme in 2017.
Looks like I'm going to need to acquire a KTM Enduro 690 for the trip and prep it with tanks, fairing etc.
Problem is my buddy is in London and he's the one who knows all about bikes. I just ride them and crash them from time to time so chances are I'll need some help preparing the bike.
If there's anyone out there in Auckland who fancies giving me a hand during the year to put it all together, would be great to hear from you. All very low key. I can offer  and some late nights in the garage talking crap.
Am based on the North Shore.