Aug 2010 Departure for Dead Horse Alaska
Friends: I have a pending career change that is rapidly developing. Because of the career change I am contemplating a minimally planned trip from the Dallas / Fort Worth, TX area to Dead Horse, AK. I won't be able to leave until somewhere around 14 Aug 2010. I'm an experienced dual sport rider but I feel uneasy about the spontaneous/rushed trip planning. I always remember the 6Ps. My preliminary plan is a round trip on a well armored 2006 Tiger. I reviewed climate data for N. AK and Canada for Aug and Sep. I can tell the trip will be many days of cold rain and possibly some days with lows below freezing. The mileage is about 5000 miles one way. I am figuring about 40 days for the round trip which will put me pretty far north in mid September. Am I building a house of cards or should I jump on the opportunity? Those who say "go" any advice on "must have" gear / clothing or bike prep? Anyone want to join me?
Wayne Reed