Sal - Will do. Good chatting with you while hanging in Belem (you) and me in Saõ Miguel do Oeste. I've made it Foz and hopped over the border to Argentina. The Brazillian Aduana didn't want to check me out. Just told me to go across and come back later in the week and show my paper. As for Argentina, even though they didn't check me out of Buenos Aires at the Boquebus, the Aduana at Iguazu just affirmed I still had time on my temporary import permit and waved me through. It's amazing that they don't just let you ride through Tierra del Fuego w/o having to cancel and re-issue the documents 3 times. Seems like a lot of wasted paperwork.
Anyway, going to find a parrilla and a good bottle of wine before seeing a gravity to its thing to a bunch of agua from the rio here...
I'm connected with the guy in Florinopolis and will continue my Brazillian leg of this journey...
good luck on the boat to Manoas..