Re. BA to Ushuaia
Hi Annette,
I'm pretty relaxed open about how long I take to get down there - seconds to weeks, but I'd prefer not to ride in a blizzard. I only flew into B.A. a couple of weeks ago, and I'm pretty chilled here enjoying the beautiful spring weather. I've taken a look at the weather down there, and I'm kinda waiting a while in the hope it may warm up by a degree or two, but whatever.
What's the good route your friend told you about?
I'll be here for at least another week - I challenge you to a game of pool! By the way, we may have been neighbours, I lived in Kentish Town until a few years ago.
Hi Carlio,
I supect our schedules may be a few weeks apart, but who knows, I'm sure we'll bump into one another on the road.