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Old 15 Sep 2008
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I think most of the responses on this thread have missed the real issues you wanted to address, being whether it is still possible to take an Indian registered bike across borders. I would personally be very interested to know if the situation has changed and it is now possible, but unfortunately cant help you on this point.

We now seem to have got stuck on the issue of whether it is right or wrong to actually ride a larger bike on your licence. In my view your licence restriction is not likely to be a major issue at all, although it would certainly make things easier if you had an unrestricted licence.

I agree strongly with Stephano on this point about the likelihood of your licence being checked.

At the border crossings before you enter the EU the only documents likely to be checked are your passport, bike registration papers, insurance and either your temporary import permit/carnet. It is exceedingly rare for a border official to ever check a licence document. Even in the very rare circumstance that a border official did check your licence, I really doubt that they would identify that your licence is subject to any restrictions.

Further your licence is only likely to be checked by the police in the EU if you have commited a traffic infringement, so provided you drive sensibly within the legal speed limit (is it even possible for an Enfield to break the speed limit????), I doubt you will have problems.

The next thorny issue raised is whether your insurance will be invalidated by only having a provisional licence. I think we are confusing the policy restrictions that a UK based insurer would impose (ie you must have full licence) with the restrictions of the local 3rd party insurance you will be forced to buy at the border before you arrive in the EU. 3rd party insurance is normally sold at borders by some bored agent without any discussion as to the policy restrictions. The only reason you actually buy it is because either a border official insists on it, or to avoid having to pay bribes if you are stopped without it. Trying to make a claim on this type of local 3rd party insurance is virtually impossible anyway, irrespective of your type of licence. If you have an accident and are at fault, you would generally have to make some form of payment to the local involved in the accident, irrespective if you have acquired 3rd party insurance for that country.

Therefore the whole point about your insurance being invalid due to licencing restrictions is completely irrelevant in the developing world.

The situation does change when you enter the EU and then you would need to arrange a Green Card. Then any restrictions on the policy would be imposed by the relevant issuer. One thing you could try is to buy 3rd party insurance when you enter Turkey and then apply for the Turkish insurer to provide you with a Green Card for the rest of Europe. This may avoid the issue about having a limit on your licence as the Turkish insurer may not impose any restrictions.

The key message is dont let this issue deter your trip.

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Old 15 Sep 2008
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So the message is very clearly - IGNORE ALL LAWS EVERYWHERE AND JUST DO AS YOU PLEASE! People who proffer this message to a young inexperienced motorcyclist will "have blood on their hands" if anything happens to him whilst taking your stupid advice! - Just pass your test and then get a sensible middleweight to hone your skills on.

These road laws are designed to protect us ALL. If they are ignored then we are ALL at risk. How would you like YOUR mother run over by an unlicenced and uninsured motorcyclist? I have seen the consequences many times and I can assure you it's not very pleasant for ANYONE involved including the person who broke the law(s)...

As I have said above, anyone who tells this young man to break the law and ride otherwise than in accordance with their driving licence is on the balance of probability likely to be a CRIMINAL themselves or at the very least extremely childish and a future convict!

Reminds me of all those nasty and Ignorant people out their who regularly park in Disabled parking spaces and who have no consideration for people who have disabilities - It's been proven that these people are likely to be criminals. Most decent law abiding citizens would never dream of taking a disabled persons parking space...

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Old 15 Sep 2008
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Originally Posted by kentfallen View Post
Words Fail me!
Clearly, they don't.

Just to clarify, my points were:
Driving without an appropriate licence is wrong and not to be condoned.
Driving licences are not generally checked at borders.
Foreign number plates are not routinely pulled over by police forces.

Parking in disabled spots illegally is also wrong, as is driving without insurance where it is obtainable and legally required.

I think actually we agree on the main points of opinion.
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Old 16 Sep 2008
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My point is if he's ridden through India then he's capable of riding anywhere in the world. The borders here are sloppy, there's way too much for the countries to care about then checking license provisions. Besides, there's no size provision in the US, so nyah, nyah, nyah. You can be 15 and buy a Hayabusa.

Sorry, I forgot about the crime requirement to post. I need to go out and do some crimes - maybe get some sushi and not pay.
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Old 16 Sep 2008
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[QUOTE=kentfallen;206880]As I have said above, anyone who tells this young man to break the law and ride otherwise than in accordance with their driving licence is on the balance of probability likely to be a CRIMINAL themselves or at the very least extremely childish and a future convict!



I dont appreciate your insinuation that someone who comments on this thread is a criminal. Stick to the facts next time and keep your personal prejudices out of this discussion.

Your comments are certainly valid in a UK context where it is illegal to drive a motorcycle without the correct licence. There is no debate here, as the law is clear. Therefore Londonman will have issues if and when he returns to Dover, on a motorcycle greater than 125cc. Further he may also have issues in countries which impose restrictions on motorcycles licences, such as in the EU, which is moving towards standardisation of European licence classes.

DO NOT however confuse the UK restrictions on motorcycle licences with restrictions that other countries may impose. The fact that Londonman has a valid motorcycle licence in the UK, albeit with capacity restrictions, means very little in developing countries which do not necessarily impose the same limitations. Therefore provided the countries he is riding in do not impose capacity restrictions he will be riding legally.

You also clearly do not understand the nature of insurance in developing countries. Irrespective of whether you have valid 3rd party insurance or not, the likelihood of this insurance paying out in the event that you are the cause of an accident is remote. Therefore anyone who rides in a developing country needs to be aware that if you are at fault, it may be customary to pay compensation to the local victim. This is not being irresponsible, rather it is a recognising what actually happens in practice.

The broader point however is that if Londonman were to undertake this trip, it is unlikely to be a major issue until he enters the EU.

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Old 16 Sep 2008
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I would just like to point out that having a piece of plastic in your pocket from the DVLA isn't a replacement for experience and riding skills. Having ridden farmbikes in NZ from the age of 14 without a license (on private property mind you - so don't go calling me a criminal...) and having a learners license and a 250cc bike all through Uni, i was pretty experienced when i came to the UK. I did get a full license over here but not because i thought it would automatically make me a better rider.

And having looked at some of the "licensed" riders in the UK, I'm not sure they learnt anything by getting their licenses either. My Kiwi mate rode over here for 2 years without a license. Even though it was due to apathy and he was in grave danger of getting arrested or having to pay out a lot in an accident, he was a competent rider who never had an accident.

Not that I'm condoning riding without insurance, a license and the necessary paperwork, but that doesn't automatically make you a bad rider. But I certainly wouldn't suggest riding through Europe without these.

And kentfallen it's rude to call people "IDIOTS", "DICKHEADS" and "CRIMINALS", and also to SHOUT
"I think we've stumbled onto something substantial"
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Old 17 Sep 2008
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Originally Posted by kiwi_cj View Post
My Kiwi mate rode over here for 2 years without a license.
MY case proven!

And it's not rude to sharply point out when someone is breaking criminal law in the UK. My disparidging comments are only directed at persons on this thread who support law breakers. Laws are in the main designed to protect all of us including the person that breaks the law. It is wrong to adopt a soft line on bikers who ride without a licence or insurance in the UK or anywhere in the first world. I'm qualified to comment because a good friend of mine was killed in a M/C road accident in 2001 when an unlicensed biker ploughed into a queue of construction workers. I'm also ex plod myself (18 years) and I have seen some really rotten sights
Triumph Bonneville 800 (2004), Yamaha XT600E (1999), Honda XBR500 (1986).

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Old 17 Sep 2008
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Originally Posted by kentfallen View Post
MY case proven!

And it's not rude to ...ply
Neil, enough!
I too live in Kent (for the next 3 weeks anyway) and yet I begin to tire of your scrawny-necked Presbyterianism.

In the name of Beelzebub, silence!

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Old 17 Sep 2008
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My ex-girlfriend's dad was murdered, therefore police call me constantly to ask my opinion about murders.

Neil, you should visit India (or any other developing nation), and then you'll slap your head and say, "Oh, now I get it". The world doesn't follow EU/UK rules.
Not Ted Simon since 1970!
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Old 17 Sep 2008
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Also, in New Zealand it isn't a legal requirement to ride or drive with any kind of insurance, even third party. Does that mean that someone in NZ who rides without insurance but doesn't break the law is a better rider than when they ride in the UK without insurance and do break the law??

But, again, I don't think people should ride without licenses, insurance proper paperwork or decent experience.

And i don't think a case has been proven to be honest.... Well, at least not about this thread...
"I think we've stumbled onto something substantial"
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Old 17 Sep 2008
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thing is...

dont know if this has already been mentioned but it also depends on who the rozzer is at the border, and you cant really tell in foreign places becuase everything is unusual, (hence www.horizonsunlimited.com) but that said im sure there are heaps of people going across borders without sufficient paperwork these days, buuut think of the politics: how many nations would want your ass in stir, and what would they pin on you?
remember the brits in greece? accused of spying?
when ur out there being accused of all sorts without the propper paperwork and ur on ur onesies what u gonna do???

imho, get ur license...stress free trip right?
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Old 19 Sep 2008
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Enfields from India to UK

I did it! But I did have a full licence and it was eight years ago before the Indian government stopped the AA/RAC issuing carnets. But I found most countries will give you a temporary import instead. I should point out that I returned to the UK via the easterly route through SE Asia, Australia, NZ, South America, Central America, Mexico, US and Canada where I flew us home.

Don't let anyone put you off doing it on an Enfield unless you are in a hurry. It took me seven years but I did stop and live/work in NZ for ages.

If you want to do it, do it. Find a way! Good luck.

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