C90 Alaska to Argentina
Hi Guys and Gals,
My name is Seán Dillon, I am from Co Wexford in Ireland. I may have met a few of ye at the Ireland HU meet. I intend to undertake the Pan Am route shortly. I will be arriving in Anchorage Alaska round about 17th August, I hope to spend a couple of weeks there and then I will start heading south. If anyone is interested in meeting up with me at any point drop me a line!!!
I have set up a website so people can locate me..
Honda Vs The World | Alaska to Argentina
I will also keep a blog on this site.
My first entry is below
In August 2011 I will fly myself and My little Honda to Alaska, where I will cross the Arctic Circle and then ride south, the ultimate destination Tierra Del Feugo in the Southernmost tip of Argentina, and if I can manage it; get it to Antarctica itself. Along the way I hope to meet Honda enthusiasts and meet the people who love these little bikes and also to explore my own personal interest of housing and shelter. More specifically I hope to look at how the climate and environment has dictated the kind of accommodation and shelter that people have built, with the materials available to them, and as I will be traveling through many different climates and environments it should make some very interesting contrasts. I will write a blog on the way and hope to make a video diary of the trials and tribulation of undertaking such a trip on this much loved motorcycle. The trip will be very organic and i’m sure it will change and develop its own sense of purpose along the way as I’m sure I will also. There will be no measure of success or failure just the journey.. I have no timetable and no itinerary, just a direction. I trained as an Engineer, but with a strong interest in the environment and sustainable energy and living. I have worked a variety of Jobs. Over the last few years I have become very aware of how people can get completely tied up in their jobs and lose focus on their own personal development and not living life to the fullest. I have experienced this myself. But over the last few years I have made a concerted effort to seek out life and enjoy it and not to get caught up in the frivolous detail of modern life. This trip for me is about paring back all those chains that bind us into our slavish lifestyles of fashions, cars, television, technology, its about grabbing life by the horns and experiencing it and not watching it pass me by. I look forward to what the next year ..or so, has to offer and see where life takes me.
If you like to meet drop me a line!!
Many thanks
Last edited by SPDilley; 9 Aug 2011 at 19:03.
Reason: make C90 visible