Got the itch for a short 2-3 weeker from S/W to Belize.
Plan to leave S.D. area and ride as close to the border through AZ, N.M. TX and cross Brownsville and stick to the gulf roads using libre over autopista when possible in Mexico.
Camp on the beach and low budget food & accommodations.
I'm packing my free dive fins, mask and camping gear.
Once south of Cancun looking to take as many remote roads to
"la mar caribe," as possible, ie; Punta Allen, Majahual and remote villages.
I'd like to dive Banco Chinchorro before heading to Plancencia and a day trip to Laughing Bird Caye. Crossing into Guatemala and hitting up Tikal again might be possible.
Hit me up if interested! Leaving around mid November / early Dec.