Northern Europe trip july/aug09
Im well into planning a trip through Northern Europe this year departing 28th July and returning around 16th August. Last year i advertised like crazy to get someone to come along with me when i rode to Romania through Germany, poland and hungary. I ended up getting lots of people saying they would be on board however as time got closer they made up excuses why they couldnt go.
In the end i went solo and it was great. I went out through germany and did most of eastern europe. getting as far east as the black sea. The transafghan road in Romania was out of this world.
Im an aussie and im in my late twenties so i like to have a few  s and fun along the way. I took a tent and sleeping bag every other time ive been however in most cases a hostel, hotel or a b&b was far better especially if i had been riding all day. Ive got a number of places to stay booked as last year i had a few hairy experiences looking for accomodation after riding all day in the pouring rain and then having to contend with the manic traffic of Bucharesti or other crazy town where they drive all over the roads.
This year it is Northern Europe and im going to catch the ferry across to calias and start my trip in rotterdam then head acorss germany to poland before heading north throught Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Then its back through germany finishing my trip with a couple of days in Amsterdam to whind down.
I always make the mistake of planning to ride too far so this year most days will only be around 4 hours except on the way home where i plan to do a few longer legs. this year im also going to use a gps instead of just maps although maps did me well last year.
here is my rough planned map so far
Thoughts and suggestions welcomed
if your interested drop me a line at
regards matt