East coast US to Guatemala and back Jan 10'
Hello all,
I know it's early to try to find riders, but thought I'd throw out a feeler.
I'm looking to leave South Carolina late DEC. 28ish and spend 4 weeks traveling down the gulf coast of Mexico then over and up the West coast.
Maybe or maybe not do Guat.
My tentative plan is to cross at Matamoros travel through Tampico,Papantla,Veracruz,Villahermosa,Palenque,Sa n Cristobal de la Casas,Puerto Escondido, Acupulco,PV, and Mazatlan then cross through Durango, Torreon, Monterrey and back to Matamoros.
Spending extra days wherever I like it along the way.
If any of you guys have must see spots along this path, please make those suggestions as this is my first trip to Mexico on the bike.
I'll be riding an 09' weestrom, so mostly paved roads please.
Thank you,