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Old 23 Jun 2014
nigel_tailyour's Avatar
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John , if you plan to service your bike in Novosibirsk I can recommend Stoppie. His details have been posted by me complete with gps. Basically it is south on Bolshevic ulitsa ( heading towards Birsk town) until you see on the right a glass ex-Nissan HQ. Now abandoned. After 1km he is down dirt road on right.
I hope that helps.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Old 23 Jun 2014
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John, re Bandits. They don't get up early so set your alarm and enjoy the early mornings. Stop early, get a room and sleep. You won't see bandits that way Stay safe out there.
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Old 23 Jun 2014
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RTW Paul, did you find fuel before Chita? We are heading. East so any help on fuel after Chita for us will be great. Should we get 20 litres addition as well as a full tank?
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Old 23 Jun 2014
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Paul G
We leave Baykalsk and head for. Ulaan Ude by 24th June or 25 th
Would love to meet up as you head West,
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Old 23 Jun 2014
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As soon as I get your email, I will send you an interesting chart of the places from Irkutsk towards the East, done by Russian truck drivers, with stops, cafes, dangers, road condition and resting places.
Could I have that list too?
I am gbr300atGmailDOTcom
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Old 23 Jun 2014
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Hi Nigel,
I'm just up the road from you in Babushkin, I'm going to stay here a couple of day's maybe more to catch up with my notes and check out the bike. How long will you be in Bakal'sk? I'm in a road house type place on your right, heading East, centre of the village, I think, Not been right through yet but want to have a good look about tomorrow. How many of you are there? Cost here Rub1000 a night with food avaliable.
Maybe meet up,
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Old 23 Jun 2014
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Hi everyone involved in this East -West route, or the other way like I am

Here is the list I got from a very good friend in Moscow, regarding the road from Chita to Khabarovsk, compiled by Russian truck drivers to help each other on the road with info.

He translated the list, so each point starts in Russian and ends in English, so read carefully. It is the most detailed info I found so far on this stretch.

How I wish I was in Irkutsk now and join you guys heading East. I am just in Chelyabinsk, though, so I have to wait some more until I get there.


1. From Зилово (Zilovo) to Сбегов (Sbegov) - NO cellular connection at all (100km)
2. check the link Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world! there are hotels (отель), motels (мотель) and cafe (кафе) are pinned by mototravellers.

3. Check files attached - there is a table formatted track from Khabarovsk to Chita - very helpful, but keep in mind it might be outdated.

An the notice from guys - don't go to cafes at evening or early morning - most possible time to get robbed. Never left your belongings unattended. Keep your money/documents all the time with you.

If you'll find the trach Khabarovsk - Chita helpful - I will translate the track Chita - Novosibirsk for you.
All these tracks made by carrier-guys who transferred cars to be sold in NSK from Far East (I told this story is you remember).

4. the list (Chita to Khabarovsk direction):
0 км Чита, Трасса М58 «Амур Amur», cross with М55 «Байкал Baikal» and А166 Чита — Забайкальск Zabaikalsk. Car Service, hotel, cafe
56 км Новотроицк Novotroitsk, petrol station.
124 км Cafe, п. Нарын-Талача, Naryn-Talcha
210 км Верхняя Хила, Cafe, petrol station, Роснефть №701 Rosneft.
244 км «Пламенный дракон» -motel, vil Знаменка Znamenka.
251 км Roadcross with Р427 Нерчинск — Чернышевск (Nerichinsk - Chernyshevsk)
306 км Cafe, hotel, hospital, petrol station, Чернышевск Chernyshevsk.
350 км vil Жирекен Zhireken
483 км Petrol station, hotel, tyre service, cafe «Багульник Boogoolnik". vil Сбега Sbega.
578 км vil Ключевский Klyuchevsky.
634 км Road police, hospital, cafe, petrol station. big vil Могоча Mogocha.
684 км Cafe, petrol, vil Семиозерный Semiozerny.
723 км vil Амазар Amazar.
760 км vil Чичатка Chichatka.
773 км Cafe «Жанна», vil Жанна Zhanna - where scooter rider where killed.
827 км Petrol, tyre service cafe and vil Ерофей Павлович Erofei Pavlovich - very good place
891 км vil Уруша Urusha.
926 км vil Мадалан Madalan.
953 км city Cковородино Skovorodino, hotel, cafe, car service, petrol.
987 км vil Bolshoi Never (Большой Невер), beginning of highway М56 «Лена» Lena.
1059 км vil Талдан Taldan, supermarket.
1093 км vil Гудачи Gudachi, petrol.
1143 км Hotel, vil Магдагачи Magdagachee.
1173 км vil Дактуй Daktui.
1202 км vil Тыгда, petrol.
1265 км vil Сиваки Sivaki
1335 км vil Мухино Mukhino
1355 км vil Базисное Bazisnoe
1370 км petrol station «Альянс» aliance, hotel, cafe, hospital, vil Шимановск Shimanovsk.
1412 км petrol station Роснефть №204 Rosneft
1450 км vil Желтоярово Zheltoyarovo.
1523 км town Белогороск Belogorsk, turn to city Благовещенск Blagoveshensk, petrol, road police, cafe, hospital.
1630 км town Завитинск Zavitinsk
1692 км roadcross with highway Р461 Благовещенск Blagoveshensk — Райчихинск Raichikhinsk — Облучье Obluchie and road Р466 Райчихинск Raichikhinsk— Бурея Booreya — Новобурейский Novobooreiskii, cafe, petrol, road police. City Новобурейск Novobooreisk.
1734 км vil Архара Arkhara
1794 км vil Кундур Koondoor
1817 км vil Есауловка Esaulovka, road cross with Р-461
1828 км petrol, vil Облучье Obluchie
1862 км petrol Роснефть Rosneft, bad road. vil Известковый Izveskovyi.
1899 км Waves-like road, vil Лондоко Londoko.
1954 км vil Семисточный Semistochnyi.
1999 км city (capital) Биробиджан Birobidjan, road cross with Р454 Биробиджан Birobidjan— Новое Novoe. Cafe, camp site(!!!!) «Логово скорпиона» Scorpion Nest = Logovo Scorpiona, car service, petrol.
2060 км hotel, petrol, Смидович Smidovich
2119 км vil Волочаевск Volochaevsk.
2152 км vil Приамурский Priamurskii, petrol.
2165 км city (capital) Хабаровск Khabarovsk, connection to highway М60 «Уссури» Ussury, car service, petrol, hotel.

I also have an Excel table if you are interested but I can only email it. So, drop me a mail:

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Old 23 Jun 2014
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Hi Nigel,
Wow, quite an Itinerary, thank's for taking the trouble, Sure it will be helpful,
Paul G,
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Old 23 Jun 2014
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Sorry John,
Got you mixed up with Nigel, but thank's again.
Paul G
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Old 23 Jun 2014
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Hi Paul/rest of the riders,

No problem, anything to help. I met today the local bike club in Chelyabinsk and they also gave me a list of bikers across Russia with emails and phone numbers for anyone that needs help along the way. Let me know if someone is interested in that.

Safe travels
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Old 24 Jun 2014
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On the road to Irkutsk tomorrow, from Babushkin, after a nice rest day. If I see you on the road, give us a wave, (Karkie Jacket, Silver Helmet)
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Old 26 Jun 2014
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Sorry but we seem to have missed each other. No wifi for four days. We are now in Chita after some dramas!
Did you find a place to stay between Chita and Khabarovsk? Good luck on your travels West.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Old 27 Jun 2014
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Hi Nigel,

I hope you guys are OK. What happened? Nothing major I hope.

For accommodation list, see my input above on this thread, it is quite comprehensive, I got it from the Russian truck drivers.
It might help you with accommodation on the way to Khabarovsk.

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Old 30 Jun 2014
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Hi Guy's,
From Babushkin to Irkutsk it look's like I missed everybody, Hope everything is OK. I am now in Krasnoyarsk, a beautiful city with a huge river running through, but need to service the bike and clean off the tar from the roadwork's.
Safe Travel's,
Paul G.
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Old 30 Jun 2014
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I just arrived in Krasnoyarsk 2 hours ago. How long are you here for?

Let's meet for a tomorrow, Tuesday. I know bikers here that can help you if you want to.


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