Europe tour in 2012??
OK so first things first.............Happy New Year to all on HU. Lets hope its a safe and fun year on the roads.
Now for my own 2012 ambition. I'm 36 now, no ties and defo not getting any younger.....who is. So i've decided not to waste the time time i have now. If my application for leave of absence from work gets passed then begining mid summer (hopefully) i want to do a tour of Europe, circa 8 weeks, maybe little more. This is intended to be the first of a number of trips I'd like to do around the world over 12 months. I may not do everything on the bike but i'm starting out that way. Plan is still in its infancy, route not decided yet but am leaning towards a more easterly european run to start with......saving western europe for the 2 weeks summer hols in future years.
I'm putting it out there to anyone who might be interested in signing up for all or even part of the journey. I'd love to have some good company along the way but am quite happy to go solo if i have to. Maybe somebody has ideas of their own we could combine, or even if you just have experience or advice you could pass on. Hoping this will be the experience of a lifetime.
Whos up for it??
Thanks for looking