European tour from UK
Just putting the feelers out to see if there’s anyone interested in a European tour starting in the UK?
I’m flexible with dates (I took very early retirement) but looking towards the end of August / September. The plan would be not to have a plan but just book ferry / tunnel crossings and see where the road takes us.
Having done this previously I ended up in France, Germany & Switzerland and traveled on many fantastic roads with fantastic scenery. My preference would be to find cheap overnight accommodation (Formula 1’s etc) but would be willing to camp or a mixture of both (although I don’t currently posses a tent etc). I’m not planning to cover massive mileages every day but to enjoy the road, the scenery, the food & culture of the county’s visited.
Another possibility would be to catch the ferry from Southampton to Bilbao and travel back through Spain and France to Calais and cross back to the UK there. I’m open to suggestions of route, time scale and when to depart.
If anyone has some time spare, fancies a trip away (weather should be good at this time of year) and has that feeling of adventure (I know it's not a massive "Horizons" type trip, but you have to start somewhere) then please get in touch and perhaps we can come up with a plan.
Certainly there can be no substitute for travelling with like minded companions and sitting down at the end of the day,  in hand reminiscing about the great roads ridden that day.
I live in Kent UK so Dover is an easy channel crossing, if you’re not to far away and would like to meet up and discuss I’m free almost anytime.