Well I'm back home - minus my bike

Had a great trip around Ireland ,met a few like minded people.
Went to France - it rained alot.
Hit the Pyrenees, good campsite , great roads, passes and valleys. Definately going back but next time I will spend a few weeks there.
Went to the Millou bridge - a great feet of engineering.
We went up the Trent Gorge and we were blown away by the scenery.
We had to cut our trip short by a few days(due to my bro's work) so we hit the payage (motorway) and headed towards Calais. Close to Paris we decided to leave the motorway and hit the city streets - thats when the sh*t hit the fan

It was on a very hot Friday afternoon in Paris rush hour traffic that my gearbox decided that it had had enough.
With the help of the the manager of "Teamaxe" (motorbike accessories), I got my bike of the road and got intouch with the BMW agent.
A mechainic came out to look at my bike and told me that it would take a day to fix. No probs I thought -till I got the estamate for the repair.
Parts were about 100 euros and the 8 hrs labour was
1000 euros.
Fu*k that.
We altered the loads on the other 2 bikes (dumped our tents & cookers) and carried on home on the two bikes.
The staff at "Teamaxe" are looking after my gear till I get back over to Paris to pick up my bike.
I'm heading back to Paris on Wednesday to get my bike.
So all in all it was a very enjoyable and interesting trip - a bit of hastle at the end - but it's all part of life's rich tapestry.
Roll on next year