India / to tour the world
Since a long time I am a engineer for testing diesel injectors. But in my heard I was always a traveler, because I was often and long on the road with my backpack.
Now I consider two alternatives:
1.) Travel with my Transalp from Germany to India.
I will change my job in summer 2005. Maybe it will be possible to travel three months between the jobs. If it is possible, then I will drive from Germany to India in summer.
2.) To tour the world.
Maybe I find another person, who will travel round the world. Then I will give up my job for traveling one or two years with my Transalp. Start should be in 2005.
My experience is, that I can live on the road with very less money. I think it is realistic for two normal friends to travel three months, or with preparation one until two years.
Is there any person, which will contemplate serious about a tour to India or round the world?
I look forward too hearing from you soon, for realistic and serious discussions about the trip. Maybe we will ...
Best regards
[This message has been edited by Siddhartha (edited 12 February 2005).]