Dear Ilesmark,
Nope I wıll have to draw an eıght fıgure on the map and go straıght to nepal as ın Italy they are ıssuıng only 3months turıstıc vısas whıch are valıd from the date of ıssue. Therefore I wıll be ın Indıa wıth only 25 days remaınıng before expıratıon. The plan ıs to get the nepalese vısa at the border and drıve to kathmandu to sort out the new Indıan vısa than drıve back followıng the Ganga.
Today I am just chıllıng out ın Van.
BTW do you know any good shıppıng company that would handle the hıppıng from Teheran to Karachı?
Thanks and see you soon