From kyrgyzstan to Nepal July/August 2019!!
Dear Fellow Travellers & Nomads by choice,
My name is Carlo, I’m 21 years old still in University, but managed to combine my studies, with my passion; travelling, getting to know the unknown and of course always with a touch of adventure. I'm now working as a freelancer for different magazines (including NatGeo). On the 4th of March, I'm going to embark on a 7-month motorbike adventure from Rome to Bhutan across 18 countries and covering more than 16000Km. The aim of the expedition is to investigate the true drivers of happiness across cultures, interviewing the people I will meet along the road.
My plan is to enter India from Nepal (before going to Bhutan), entering China sometime between July and the beginning of August (I have to enter China by the 10th of August!!). Thanks to my project I was able to involve a tour agency into some sort of "sponsorship" and obtain some very convenient prices on the crossing from Kyrgyzstan to Nepal!
I'm now looking for some fellow travellers to join me in order to share the expenses of the crossing 
(I promise I will not interview or bother you with my "research" if you don't want to)
Warm regards,
#ONEROADONEWORLD - Riding For Happiness