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Old 9 Feb 2009
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Looking for riders to entrer into China from Kirghizstan or Kazakhstan next june 09

Hi all,
I am planing to ride from Paris to Katmandu starting next april. I'll be riding through Iran, the Stans before entering into China to go on the KKH highway, down to Islamabad, then India and finally Nepal.

I'm looking for some riders ready to share the cost of entering into China from either Kirghizstan or Kazakhstan around in the 25 of june 09. The classic plan would be to go down to Kashgar, Tashkorgan and finally Islamabad through the KKH highway.

Anyone ?

Soliraid Asia
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Old 20 Feb 2009
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I'd be interested in some feed back too, on crossing one of those boarders. Contradictory stories about it are all I can get. Anyone has done it lately??

By the way, islamabad is not the best place to go to right now.... Tricky to get the visa on the road too (I've just tried a couple of days ago in Tehran: no way..)
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Old 20 Feb 2009
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Me and my friend (riding two Hondas Africa Twin) are planning to cross China (Xinjiang and Tibet) from Kyrgyzstan (turgurt Pass) to Nepal. Our planned dated is a little bit later: around 28 July enter to Xinijang and after 23 days leave to Nepal.

We plan to leave Poland in May and like you ride through Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and then China. The trip details (and dirrect e-mail to us) are here: www.worldonbikes.pl

If you can postpone your China entry time a little bit, we could settle the group and negotiate the prices...

Looking forward your response.

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Old 21 Feb 2009
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Is the price any cheaper with a group for China? You'd think it would be but not until you get to 10 or more - and then only 10% or so. Well that's what I was quoted. Of course one person doing all the emailing, chasing etc for the rest does help.

Tricky to get the visa on the road too...

Actually coming from China you can buy a Pak visa at Sost immigration after Khunjerab Pass. $90 I think it was last Sept. We were on pushbikes but met a biker in ISB who had been escorted from Iran border in a rush. I don't suppose that has eased up.

I had an idea you could not leave from Tibet into Nepal, but I could be quite wrong.

In late August we hope to go from Kaz down via Taklamakan to Lhasa and back up west along the 219 to Kashgar and so Pak. Quoted €2600 pp but still working on it. Not sure that something as simple as into Tibet province from one point and out via another - especially the 219 to Kashi - is allowed.
We are 2 and don't mind 2 more.

Sorry to hijack Lighter's thread but I suppose keeping these offers all together helps.

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Old 21 Feb 2009
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Hi Chris,

you idea sound interesting and the price is not bad or I would rather say very good. We were said US 6000 pp per 24 days from Kyrgyzstan-Kashgar-Lhasa-Tybet...This is much more than your price!

I understand that from Kashgar you go to KKH Pakistan - is this correct? Are you planning there to enter India? We wanted to make a ride in Ladakh. Which means taht we would have to be in India at the begining of September as the latest. Why do not you consider to make China leg a earlier, so that we would have enough time for Ladakh? In such case we could set up "four bikes group" and make China/Pakistan togehter.

If you are interested to discuss any further details on this, please write on my PRIV (trzasku@wp.pl).


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Old 21 Feb 2009
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Hi Aleksandra,
the guy we are using is the well known 'John' round the back of the Seman Hotel.
John's Information Service & Café On The Silk Road and in Tibet kashgar turufan dunhuag xian xinjiang silkroad

We also have around 24 days quoted, but I am still not convinced everything is included. It is possible your quote includes a travel guide from the agency - not needed as far as I understand. That would have been 5000 with John with accom, fuel (car?) etc.

The price was originally quoted for 3 provinces (Bejing, Xinjiang and 'Tibet') so could well be less without Beijing? Who knows? I still have not got to the bottom of how it works in China.

As you may know last year all car permits were slowed down due to Olympics and even Pamirs were restricted when we rode thru following an attack in Kashi. I have still not heard for sure that they have started again without delay.

I know I am leaving it late - I am even buying heated clothing for the first time! - but have work and nice accom until July. From Pak I will go Iran and home, the other guy into India (but not Ladakh I think).
I expect the winter will catch me at some point.

Give John a go.

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Old 22 Feb 2009
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thanks a lot for John's contact. I will try to catch him. Regarding permit to ride in China - I heard similar stories to your. However in case of motorcycling in Tibet I heard that the government not only slowed down with permits but does not issue them at all (contrary to 4x4 trips). Most of the people from varius Chinese agencies suggested me waiting until Chinese New Year. Maybe then the situation will change. Now, at least offcialy, no motorcycling in Tibet is allowed for foreign bikes.

Regarding July, it is a pitty, but it it is to late for us. Ladakh is one of our "must see", so we will do our best to get there in the right time. If not Ladakh, we could change the dates.

It is good idea to buy heating cloths in your case, at least for European leg.

Will let you know, as soon as I get any news regarding China and Tiber.


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Old 22 Feb 2009
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Now, at least offcialy, no motorcycling in Tibet is allowed for foreign bikes.

Oh really, well it is good to know now.
Spent a few hours with a map on this interesting page today:
Notes, Graph and Satellite Images from the Yecheng - Western Tibet - Kathmandu Highway

I did chase John up about 10 days ago and he still has not replied (usually very quick).

I have also emailed
China Tibet Adventure Tour--Tibet Tour,Travel in Tibet,Tibet Trekking,Tibet hiking,Tibet Adventure,Overland Tour,Festival Tour,Kham,Amdo

In October they said:
They virtually shut down any applications in particular for motorcycles. But the application seems to be loosen now, and we still have a chance to make motorcycle ride in next year. We will get you informed at early of January to see the latest upgrade, and till then we know how the possibility will be.

Yes Ladakh is not to be missed, esp if you can't go to Tibet. I think I will save it for a pushbike.

So, more time and more money to spend somewhere else...

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Old 24 Feb 2009
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Two answers I have got today:

From Tashkurgan (formerly Steve):
I am sorry that at present we can only do crossing [of China] by car.
Crown Inn @ Tashkorgan
Crown Inn: Adventure Travel, Asia, Kashgar, China, Silk Road, KKH

From tibet@tibet-tours.com (originally asked last October):

It seems to be okey to get the permits for motorbikes this year. However we cannot affirm 100%, but can try the application. If you can send us all the required materials before 20 APRIL, we can*apply all paperworks in Bejing, and will know the result on*approx. 20 JULY whether they endorse these permits or not. You can revise your entire*itinerary*and skip China*by then if cannot get permits.

The quote with a detailed day-by-day itinerary was €100/day for 27 days with some long days up to 800km and some excursions and days off in interesting places including Guge.

But this was for 4 bikes so we are looking for 2 more riders for an early September crossing

Dig deep and come on with, it will be a great ride!

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Old 1 Mar 2009
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I do have quite a few "naïve" questions there. And apparently you have been digging the question, so i was hoping to gain a bit from the experience you got:
- Is the permit necessary? I mean, it is horribly expensive (2000 euros is five month of my budget, i just can't afford it). Apparently some people go through without a problem (but with a car though). Wouldn't it work with a big fat bribe?? According to the chinese official regulations, the guide is not compulsary, but agencies pretend it is... Where is truth??
- In case of a transit visa, is this permit still necessary?
- If I put the bike at the back of a truck to cross the boarder, and unload it a few miles down the road, is that a possibility?

By the way, for the pakistani visa, I could not get it in Tehran because a letter of recommandation was requested. My loving and caring bl**dy french embassy told me that "they could not favor the crossing of french citiizen..."
Good luck for the preparation of your trip -and I might meet some people in laddakh, hopefully!
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Old 1 Mar 2009
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Hi Vincent, I'm not an expert either but if China was easy without guides and all that crap a lot more people would be riding there now. Try and turn up at any border with a car or moto and see if they let you in. (With bicycles no probs.)

Sure, we hear stories of cunning individuals evading the regs (riding local bikes helps) but they'll catch you when you try and leave (I have heard). Me, I can't be arsed with all that cloak and daggar. 2600 euros is a lot less than I have heard a few years ago and almost the same as Algeria (for example). And it includes Tibet.

My impression is China is not like sub-Saharan Africa where a bribe can smooth things over. It's just deeply bureaucratic and controlled.

- In case of a transit visa, is this permit still necessary?
Dont know about transit visa.

- If I put the bike at the back of a truck to cross the boarder, and unload it a few miles down the road, is that a possibility?
Give it a go but I doubt the trucker will want the risk as I suspect he will be specially employed to take you to the the next border. You need to exit with a certain amount of papers/permits that you get on entry, as far as I know.

I am sure someone will put us straight.

I get the impression China is opening up and one day will be open. But not yet.


(Sorry this thread has gone off track. Maybe this should be moved to Northern Asia?)
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Old 2 Mar 2009
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Thank you Chris for your answer;
Yep, sorry about the thread that is gone "a bit out of control"... I take full responsability.
Do you have informations about all the paperworks that is normally needed to enter china?
Well, i'll try to go through the three kazakh borders, then kirgiz border, tadjik border. Plan D: afghanistan and then north of pakistan...
I should be the a bit before everyone on this post, I'll try to keep you inform (if i manage to get a turkmenistan visa though.... Why is there borders?????)
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Old 2 Mar 2009
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Originally Posted by vincek100 View Post
Well, i'll try to go through the three kazakh borders, then kirgiz border, tadjik border. Plan D: afghanistan and then north of pakistan...
Vincent, there are no roads from Afghanistan to China...
Pakistan to China is also difficult. I don't think the Pakistanis will allow you past the "frontier" without correct papers for China and the immigration for China on that route is at Tashkorgan,. which is really just a customs outpost to the main unit in Kashgar/Kashi.

Always remember that this entire region is a military zone and is the Chinese barrier to the Muslim hordes. That's not a personal view, its just what it is.

Nostradamus Ate My Hamster
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Old 3 Mar 2009
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Hi Chros / Hi Everybody

Chris, no chance from our side to join you in late August - timing!!!! I am still trying to convince "my Chinese" agent (China Exploration Tours) to decrease the price they offered. They are very reluctant to give any discounts! But at the same time they advertise themselves as the only one (or one among the very few) companies which can actually arrange paperwork for bikers. Chris, just to let you know, they have doubts whether Tibet Tours can do it, as they have no experience (it it at least what they claim - maybe it is just a merketing trick, I do not know what to think). Anyway, does any of you heard any opinions / stories about China Exploration Tours? They gave me an e-mail to one Danish guy for whom they organized all papers last year. However the Danish guy travelled by caravan (motorhome)... not bike. They claim they have also experience with bikes (sent me some photos from last year), but becasue of the privacy policy do not want to tell me any detail about the clients. I only know they were from UK.


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Old 3 Mar 2009
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Hi Aleksandra,

Check this thread for some other companies and the qutes they gave us. Although we are 4wd, two bikes are coming with us and they had no problem with this.


I hope this helps



Land's End to Sydney 2009
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