Originally Posted by emptythetank
Hey okay a lil bit about me I'm 19 in Feb recently passed my education etc have wanted to travel since a very young age and well my situation at home isn't great plus this girl i was seeing didn't work out and ahhh just want to get away from it all, well in the next month or so I could maybe get £3000 together but how long could that last me if i use this helpx witch everyone is talking about?
More than enough cash, depending what you want to do; you could do worse than get into the helpx site and find a country and a situation that appeals to you - then just do it as the advertisement says!
For instance, if you go overseas, learn a new language.
That keeps things very simple for your first experience away from home with the minimum of outside complexities, like running a vehicle, and minimum expenditure on your part.
I legged it from home when I was younger than you, while still returning later - leaving the nest for the first time, you just have to flap your wings to see if they work OK!!